Morris is a former spiritual adviser to President Donald Trump, and Gateway — one of the nation’s largest megachurches — has been particularly active in Dallas-area GOP politics.
And even if you think it’s not a cult, your children will have plenty of time to meet God or whatever when they’re old enough to make the decision on their own. Your god isn’t so weak that he needs to indoctrinate impressionable children to gain followers, is he?
That’s the thing that always bothered me about religion. There’s no sales pitch, its just indoctrination. There’s a million different varieties of religion, and supposedly only one of them is “correct”
Judaism seems to make the most sense to me of the monotheistic varieties because there is no demi gods like Christianity. But clearly religion isn’t about religion, it’s more about having an in group.
Its all fake but I don’t despise it all, some people seem to need it to make any attempt at being a decent person. However who could think its okay to indoctrinate a child? There’s also the thing in america of swearing on the flag everyday at school or whatever… Wtf.
As I always say, keep your children away from religion. They are the pedophiles, and they accuse everybody else of it. It’s a cult!
And even if you think it’s not a cult, your children will have plenty of time to meet God or whatever when they’re old enough to make the decision on their own. Your god isn’t so weak that he needs to indoctrinate impressionable children to gain followers, is he?
That’s the thing that always bothered me about religion. There’s no sales pitch, its just indoctrination. There’s a million different varieties of religion, and supposedly only one of them is “correct”
Judaism seems to make the most sense to me of the monotheistic varieties because there is no demi gods like Christianity. But clearly religion isn’t about religion, it’s more about having an in group.
Its all fake but I don’t despise it all, some people seem to need it to make any attempt at being a decent person. However who could think its okay to indoctrinate a child? There’s also the thing in america of swearing on the flag everyday at school or whatever… Wtf.
Yes, actually.