Dinner is served
Look…I am over here trying to convince myself this gluten free Woolies pie is good and that’s just rude.
Looks so so good though 😭
I regret I know no way to make this GF. I’ve found some decent pastries, but not a convincing Stout
Wyse is a decent GF pastry but you are right, a GF stout is the holy grail (late diagnosed here - god I miss stout). O’Brien’s make an amazing GF stout but it’s only ever limited edition. Two bays have one too. It is very much not the same but might just do for a pie.
Hmm now you have me thinking. When my life is a bit less hectic (hence Woolies freezer pie for dinner) I am gonna try a beef and stout stew and / or a pie. See if I can get it close to real food.
I once made a tolerable dark GF brew out of black rice and tea. Tasted pretty good but totally lacked any body.
Yeah the body is the trick.
Dinner pretty
Blessed be the pie. ❤️
I’ve never called a pie “adorable” before, but that really is adorable!
🖤 I’ll make you a kitten or dinosaur one sometime
Such golden goodness! I hope it’s served with mash potato? 🤞
Trying to one up my meat pies for lunch huh?
Well I never!
I believe I declared my intent around breakfast time 😝
It’s been one of those days. My memory doesn’t go back past midday.
Kitchen is a mess but worth it. First tempura zucchini flower which was exciting (weird looking thing in the middle). Sort of pointless but it looked nice.
Cruspy Nom!
Oh yum! Minus the chilli’s of course b
that looks so delicious
This does not give anything away about the plot but if anyone is worried (like me) that they showed Irving’s dog early in the severance ep because something was gonna happen to it. Its ok. Nothing happens to the dog.
Carry on ( so traumatized by the trope of show the dog to hurt the dog…)
yup, I was getting really worried for the dog and heaved a sigh of relief
still packing stuff this evening, I’m up to these Turkish dishes and bowls, never used them, they are too delicate. So beautiful tho.
if anyone knows how to use them without the glaze chipping I’d be grateful
Accept impermanence. Enjoy your pretty dishes.
I will. 🙂
I’d use them for mezza. So beautiful!
Next time when the young Seagoons visit go sick.
^^ this is the way (they are just stunning btw)
thank you and I will 🙂
They are so beautiful! Use them as they deserve!
I have a couple of those. They are totally not food safe after meeting high speed cats and being repaired. Display purposes only.
I think with wooden serving spoons? And no where near cats of course.
Wow. Gorgeous
Those are such gorgeous dishes. I’d almost frame them just to gaze at lovingly but I think they could be used for occasional guests
Playing a pre-alpha game I downloaded from itch.io (Voices of the Void), and my vehicle (ATV) just disappeared 😂 walked into a building, walked out and it was just gone lol
I said out loud “I can’t be mad” and cackled as I ran back to my base lol
A friend in Queensland sent through this link: https://www.lifeblood.com.au/blood/blood-supply-levels
Even though I figure they’re not sending blood from WA to Queensland, I saw that local supplies in my blood type were low. So I dusted off my old donor profile and made a booking.
I fell out of the habit when kids and life stuff happened. I really should have gone back years ago. The process of donating blood is smooth and streamlined. I was in and out in under 30 minutes and back to my day.
Thanks for donating on behalf of those who can’t :) What snacks did you get?
A small bag of Kettle chips and a TimTam. They had a whole spread there, it was a lot fancier than the last time I donated.
That’s awesome!! You’ve helped someone out there who needs it mate!
I have mine booked for the 22nd due to the low supply for A+!
I got to wait another month before eligible again. It was also shown that firefighters who donated regularly had lower levels of the forever chemicals we’re being warned about these days. My pathology lecturer recommended men donate regularly as we don’t have a periods which allow the ladies to lose a little blood on a regular basis naturally.
Last time I gave blood, I got my period the next day and I was absolutely wrecked! Had to get some iron tablets to feel normal again!
Thanks for your donations bro! 😂💜
I got my period the next day …
For fairly obvious reasons, this is not a variable I’ve ever considered when donating. Does it take you out for long? My body doesn’t even notice the 500ml. I literally walked from the donation centre back the office, got changed and rode straight home.
I was off colour for a few days before I got the iron tablets - severe lethargy and extreme brain fog. Couldn’t really formulate sentences quickly or coherently. Like I was laggy lol.
I felt much better after taking the iron tablets - it was just poor timing!
When Ive given blood before that, and it didn’t align with my period, I was fine too tbh
I’m not sure how long it would have taken if I didn’t take the tablets though
Have been bed bound with migraine all day. Just now getting up to have breakfast and a shower.
Crazy how a tiny bundle of nerves in my shoulder can absolutely ruin my life.
so many gentle hugs
Would you like a cup of tea and some toast?
Yes please 😞
a pillow and some soft music?
I currently have a pillow and purring cat who’s concerned why I haven’t moved most of the day ❤️
It’s not that tiny. The brachial plexus.
I know it well. I would get gravid hyperthyroidism , which would fire off my nerves and then I would get angina like symptoms. Just nerves, nothing actually wrong. It was quite anxiety producing too as the nerves would also fire off anxiety centres of the brain.
we are nothing but wet electrical wires, sticks and pulleys
and iron
The actual pain point feels like the circumference of a 5c coin.
But the impact is fucking crazy.
is migraine day for me too, and yesterday. i blame the moon.
Works for me! It’s finally subsiding but I’ve lost an entire day pretty much.
Hope you feel better soon.
Rest well!
Thanks mate :)
Pretty sure I’ve never seen the clip before. Thanks,
John Deacon!
Got my replacement dishwasher in today, did one load successfully - here’s hoping it lasts me much longer than the previous one!! I felt such euphoria at clearing so many dishes in one go but had to check myself; don’t get attached to it just in case the dw craps out on you again…
Cut up the packaging and dumped it in the recycling, finished the more annoying/tedious half of my desktop work, now doing a bit of laundry and vacuuming and once I get it all dried and am back I’ll feel like I truly deserve my week of tv :D
I met one of the neighbours (well, the owner of one of the units) today who turned out to be super nice so that was a real pick-me-up
I have made a start on the next lot of cushions, but decided to take a break instead and went to Resource Rescue (craft supplies) and ended up spending the last couple of hours sorting zippers and untangling elastic. Miss Meow tried to help, but her technique was a bit suspect and things went faster when she was diverted to a job as paperweight instead.
The Moon is stunning tonight.
Lunar eclipse tonight - https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2025-03-13/march-lunar-eclipse-australia-partial-blood-moon/105036274 Just not for us.
This picture of the moon turned out better than I thought it would
Today was not good. -_-
I got a packet of snow pea seeds though. It’s the right time to sow according to the pack but they expired in August last year so I guess we’ll see how many sprout. Waited til night and planted out 20 seeds in recycled containers (10 with 2 seeds in each).
It’ll be fine.
And hugs. I don’t know the right words but I am glad you are here Melba.
I’m trying to decide what to grab for myself as a “congrats new job, congrats 10 years sober” present.
There are 2 options:
- eventide h90
- empress zoia
Please pick either 1 or 2 and reply to this and I’ll grab the one with the most votes. I know I’m asking a lot, so all good if not :)
I don’t know what that is. Go number 1 ?
Neither do I. Go number 2!
Your vote has been added to the tally!
I feel like you could almost get the h90 sounds out of the helix, so I’d go the zoia. You could probably put feedback through it and turn it into an instrument on it’s own
Normally I’d agree, but I had a strymon bigsky for a couple of weeks recently and man, the helix reverbs need some serious work in a firmware update.
Bigsky was literally plug it in, pick a setting and sounds great straight away pretty much. Heaps fuller.
But the zoia can do some pretty crazy Reverb stuff as well. And you’re right about using it as an instrument.
You can use it to build synths you can control with either mono input guitar or a midi controller.
Initially the eventide I’d go for but if you’re really going to get into it and also find the sounds you’re looking for and also be able to devote more time figuring it out go for the Empress
Thanks for the feedback! That’s the crux of it. Time spent for esoteric sounds VS ease of use for above average sounds.
They both sound gorgeous, but I love this fan video for the ZOIA so my vote is for #2.
Edit: To add the H90 in black looks sexy, if you get enough votes for that one hopefully it’s in stock still?
That video is sooo damn cool!!
I’ll have to suss out the black eventide, but so far I’m leaning zoia.
Am taking my stuff with me to test each out a bit, but there’s a limit to the patience of music store people lol.
Eventide - you know what you’re getting
Zoia - crazy random stuff that could be mind blowing.
Massive fan of eventide stuff but only tried their plugs. Couldn’t live without a few of them.
Looks like zoia looks interesting though. Seems more complex if I’m reading it correctly.
I had the eventide space but had to sell it when I wasn’t working, which really sucked.
The zoia is super complex but there’s hundreds of existing patches that people have already created which is awesome.
What eventide plugs are you using?
Blackhole, crystals, crushstation, H949 dual and omnipressor are my faves. They have the full bundle up on AN.
Blackhole pretty much goes on a lot of stuff. love that thing so had to buy that one heh.
Keen to hear which pedal you pick!
Funny you should mention AN. That’s where I got the arturia bundle lol
Blackhole is an absolute beast. And I miss the space just for that algo and there was one called mangled verb which was pretty cool.
Will keep you updated!
If only. Maybe down the track but can only have 1 for the next month or so.
it’s not too much to ask. 🙂
What a choice, guitar effects or keyboard effects. I think eventide guitar, just because I like the strangeness of guitar effects
also, I know you like guitars.
The eventide gives amazingly clear but fairly straightforward sounds. Fairly easy to program.
The zoia on the other hands doesn’t do straightforward. It does very unique. Much more difficult to program but has a community that creates sounds for it.
Eventide is more expensive by $200
shout out to my neighbor who I’d never even spoken to before for helping me out this arvo. Dude disappeared before I could say a proper thanks but I got his wife to admit what he drinks so dudes getting a 6 pack of Carlton Draught this evening.
In somewhat related news, whilst the car can tow the campervan with ease, reversing it is… well lets just say it makes the turning circle of an aircraft carrier look good!
I thought you were talking about a van with a camping setup in it, that sounds like a caravan to me. But maybe my terms are off.
Nah camper van/camper trailer. A little jayco finch. But with a midsized suv it was always gonna be… interesting.
Another bewwwwtiful one for day/night drinking. Hit it hard, folks. Cheers 🍺
*This post was proudly sponsored by Kelvin The Beeranator - The old fridge that could.
I’ll take 1 kitten please, preferably chilled.
😂 cheers 🍺
Cheers Tripper 🍺
Soon tm