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nickyflowers posts:

it would be cool if websites let you be an adult on them. the advertisers and payment processors need everything to be Family Friendly though and their definitions of family and friendly are absolutely fucked. but since they’re in charge of the Internet now, no one is allowed to be an adult. tiktokers say things like “unalive” and “seggs” because they know death and sex are too adult for online. online is for idiot babies only now because they’re easier to market to

nickyflowers replies:
oh im sorry you’re a trans adult? super ban. you are super banned for life. you have upset Visa’s feelings. Mastercard is throwing up in the corner. how could you do this to Google Ads?

  • Bob Robertson IX
    5 days ago

    It used to be common but now people have too low standards.

    It is more to do with being locked into a walled garden. If your community and family use Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, etc. then you either have to stay, or get left out.

    In the new US Constitution we should include Data Portability as a right.

      5 days ago

      This is true but we have been there before and have overcome it multiple times. I quit fb but I found it hard since the car community for which I manufacture parts for is mostly there.

      When enough people leave and start using something else, soon their closer friends and family cave in and also make accounts there. Eventually the switchover will cascade. Happened with orkut, myspace, google +. Sure FB is almost too big to fail but the one we need to fix the issue by is the site that will supercede fb, in my opinion.