Gotta teach your kids to be pieces of shit early! Or let them be kids and have pure innocent fun with fellow a human being of gods green earth Jesus Christ
Woah, we got a badass here! Like most things, context matters. Or you could have them wear hoods with “Do Not Record” in big red letters whenever you’re in public…
Fun gif, though they would end up eating a spoonful of cellphone if I found them recording my kids.
Gotta teach your kids to be pieces of shit early! Or let them be kids and have pure innocent fun with fellow a human being of gods green earth Jesus Christ
You should lock them in the basement. It’s the only way to be safe. Otherwise little might be seeing them and recording the image onto their brains.
Woah, we got a badass here! Like most things, context matters. Or you could have them wear hoods with “Do Not Record” in big red letters whenever you’re in public…