In the spirit of rapprochement with Europe and reorientation away from the United States, it’s time to complete the Metrication process in Canada that was stopped prematurely by the Mulroney government.
In the spirit of rapprochement with Europe and reorientation away from the United States, it’s time to complete the Metrication process in Canada that was stopped prematurely by the Mulroney government.
Metric system is meant for clever people.
Not really, the system itself is clever but it’s made for everyone, very simple to use.
If they bother to understand it that is. Base 10 is so simple for metric don’t know why we haven’t adopted it everywhere, I say that knowing weight in pounds and height in feet / inches, cause who wants to convert everything? But still, would have been better to understand that way from school teachings and used Canada wide.
The system is made for those who create and those who don’t know which way to hold an hammer. and it works, that’s the beauty of it.
Imperial is just made for peasants in 870s and people who are on still on that level of education.