A Windows phone is enough to turn someone Old Order Amish.
Everyone I ever heard of that owned a Windows Phone said it was the best thing ever, except the part where there were almost no apps.
damn fuck you guys ig lmao.
dunno why you’re both getting downvoted for merely expressing you liked the windows phone.
that’s like, the typical opinion; especially at the time.
Nuts to you! I miss Windows Phone every day.
Same. My Nokia Lumia was the bee’s knees.
If we’re thinking laptops probably google.
At least on windows you can powershell your way, even more on MacOS and you can rice it and brew it like any Unix system.
But those google laptops are just glorified chrome apps on cheap hardware.
Apple laptop vs Chromebook vs Windows? They all suck but Windows takes the cake. Ads everywhere, security patch hell, Microsoft secretly installing stuff. Endless Internet posts just about how to turn crap off you didn’t want.
I’ve never once seen an ad on Windows itself.
Non-technical user: MS, hands down, no contest
Power user: MS phone, chrome OS desktop/laptop of recent manufacture, such that you cannot unlock the bootloader (yes, I’ve done shitloads of research on seeing if there are some jumpers or connections I could short or solder somewhere, and there are no clear solutions that don’t involve “idk you could brick it”)
Obviously my soft crow will do the job
Longterm? Apple, since they go EoL so quickly. Enjoy not being able to run any new applications in just a couple years.
Apple, since they go EoL so quickly.
That hasn’t been the case for the longest time. It wasn’t until the last few years that manufactures finally started supporting their devices as long as Apple. And even then that’s only for flagship devices, the el cheapo stuff may not even get a single software update.
Microsoft devices from 2017 can run Windows 11, which will be supported for roughly 10 years.
Macs from 2017 are going EoL this year.
Uh, no. That’s not the case in reality. Whether you love, hate or just simply use Apple products they have undeniable longevity.
MacOS Ventura came out in late 2022 and is already going EoL this year. No security updates or software patches. Apple typically only gives 3 years of support for their OS’s. MacBooks from 2017 are suddenly eWaste. My SurfaceBook 2 from 2017, in comparison, runs Windows 11.