Yes. I still use my computer for mostly writing, so proper technique includes using the Right Shift key when capitalizing anything on the left hand side of the keyboard.
With emulators mostly.
other than as a keybind in a singular Minecraft mod, no never. Always the left one, I also never use the caps lock key
I use the right Shift key to capitalize when touch-typing. I only use left Shift for Ctrl+Shift+Esc.
yes it gives me access to “%”, which is handy for string interpolation
No, I repurposed it as a nightstand
exclusively. i never use the left shift for anything other than running in games.
I rarely use the key as shift. It’s reassigned to a different function when tapped and that’s what I use it for most of the time.
i don’t type capital letters
because fuck capitalism :3
That’s capitalisation. Capitalism is a philosophical view that the universe is solely based on randomness
That’s casualism. Capitalism is the practice of eating the flesh of your own kind
That’s cannibalism. Capitalism was a practice done in the First Brazilian Republic that is also known as “rule of the colonels”.
That’s carnivorism. Capitalism is when an organism has tissue made of different genetic composition
That’s chimerism. Capitalism is a large-scale and violent event in the natural world.
That’s a cataclysm. Capitalism is a criminal act conducted with computers and resulting in violence, destruction, or death of targets in an effort to scare people and coerce a government to alter it’s policies.
That’s cyberterrorism. Capitalism describes a chain of events where an initial action or event triggers a series of subsequent events, each building upon the previous, leading to a larger, often unforeseen, outcome.
That’s a cascade. Capitalism represents an aesthetic and intellectual approach that values reason, order, and balance, drawing inspiration from the enduring legacy of ancient Greece and Rome.
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Yes. Any time I capitalize a letter on the left side of the keyboard. Isn’t that normal?
That is the way I was taught, but not the way I did it then. Never developed the habit, so I never do it.
Damn, that makes sense. I one hand everything with my left hand. Maybe it’s because of muscle memmory from playing videogames lol
I was taught to type that way, but I was never that good at using my right pinky while typing a letter with my left. Or maybe I just wasn’t good at coordinating which shift key to use with which letter. So I started just always using the left shift key which I somehow never had a problem with.
If I have to type capital A, left pinky holds shift and ring finger hits the A. This isn’t the “right” way to touch type, but I can still type pretty fast.
But to do that you are bending your wrist sideways which will eventually start causing wrist pain. Better if you can get out of that habit before it starts causing trouble.
I hope I can. I’ve been doing this for like 25 years …
Oh. Well if it hasn’t started hurting after that much time, maybe you’re OK 😄
I tend to use right shift for pretty much everything. The arrow glyph has worn off the key I use it so much.
Important factors:
British English keyboards, like the one I have, tend to be ISO, with a larger shift key on the right. Bigger target. Easier to hit.
I have at least a couple of passwords that each have at least one shifted character from the left side of the keyboard and it’s much easier to use both hands when I need to type those.
It might even go back to the fact that most of my early typing was on a Commodore 64C and the positions of surrounding keys. Hitting shift-lock or run/stop by mistake would have been a nuisance. Caps lock isn’t quite as annoying because it’s not a literal mechanical toggle, but even so, the right shift avoids that particular error.
I usually hold shift with my left pinky for any letter on the keyboard, because I prefer to type with both hands.
yes - ctrl + shift ) splits the kde konsole
Yes, I trained myself only to use opposite hand shift combinations. You can do this with a programmable keyboard, autohotkey, or karabiner.
So Left Shift+a doesn’t do anything, only Right Shift+a will output A
It was a exercise in getting better typing hygiene.
Ooh, clever way to train yourself!
You shouldn’t be able to use the left shift key and hit “a” at the same time anyway as your left pinky should be used for both?
Yea, but the lazy way is to move the whole left hand to the right and pressing a with the ringfinger… Slower and a bad habit but I am doing it since I learned how to type
Yes, because I ran out of keys to bind in modded Minecraft.
I rebound it, I never use it
Interesting. Ive never thought about it but I think I actually capitalize exclusively with RShift.