
  • 30 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • The powers-that-be don’t give a shit about your meaningless protests. March as much as you want. Hold as many signs as you want. That only works when the people making the decisions actually care about what you think of them and actually worry about whether or not you will vote for them in the next election.

    Neither of those things is true. They work for the billionaire class and they have no intention of having fair elections ever again. So they can safely say “fuck your protests”.

    For all of it’s bullshit, there is one thing you can say about the J6 rioters; no one ignored them.

    It’s well past time to learn that lesson. The fact that you all aren’t firebombing government buildings by this point is a disgrace from a population of so-called “don’t tread on me” proud Americans.

  • She’s a traitorous bitch, sure. But let’s be honest; in the current state of the world, getting a Trump endoresment for Poppinfresh is like announcing he’s been found out to be murdering orphans.

    People knowing that Trump is on his side is the last thing that PP needs. Smith asking the Trump administration to help out because Poppinfresh’s views align with his is such a terrible fucking strategy it’s hilarious.

    She’s under the deluded bubble that every conservative is just as stupid as Alberta/Saskatchewan Conservatives. They’re not. Never have been. There’s a massive difference between “sell out to oil” conservatives from the prairies and “sell out to big business in general” conservatives from Ontario. Ontario conservatives will take an endorsement from Trump and tell Poppinfresh to get fucked because they hate Trump as much as any other party.

    There is one small group of uneducated, inbred, coal-rolling conservatives who think that a Trump style government would be a good thing. And they are far less popular that Smith realizes from her cow-shit castle in Alberta.

  • Of course he would. Funding Trade Schools at the expense of universities gives him a population of skilled manual labourers who have never learned critical thinking, history, or social policy.

    A Trade School teaching one thing and one thing well, priding itself on “cutting out” all the rest of what they think of as unnecessary nonsense. And you will never change my mind that THAT is a major contributing factor to the dumbing down of the current electorate. The Greeks considered the Liberal Arts necessary for the public to be able to effectively contribute to the political discourse.

    But that doesn’t suit conservative purposes.