They look like horse Mythbusters
Well I can’t unsee it now…
“If you ever feel sad but want to add a side of slightly disturbed to that…”
This makes me uncomfortable. I prefer horses without mustache.
Doubts, I have them.
Huh.We have horses, too. First time I’ve heard of this.
I’ve been around horses all my life and I didn’t know until I was almost 30. I think it’s only specific breeds that actually get them. It’s still wild to me because I have only seen a couple that have them.
Way to depress me who can’t grow a mustache
For some reason that makes me not ok
Just smile, you’ll feel better immediately, trust
Do it like this guy
This is so disturbing.
It’s YOUR turn to shave the cavalry mounts!
This makes me feel less special
I wonder what evolutionary purpose the mustache serves.
Evolution isn’t necessarily purpose driven. I know that sounds counterintuitive. Gene expressions can be random af and when they aren’t selected for or against, they can carry on for many reasons, sometimes just because they’re located on the chromosome near something that IS selected for. That’s just one example, there’s a lot of reasons something like this carries on. Maybe these horses have been bred for one thing and this is a genetically related side effect. Evolution is weird and accidental in many ways.
Obviously it’s because lady horses just love a sexy stache and so they’re hooking up more.
Yes. Humans have chins, which make jaws weaker. Chins are useless extra bone and essentially a structural defect, but not bad enough for evolution to do anything about.
Doubt, tbh. For one thing, sexual selection is always a viable reason, and for another human jaws are already a fairly vulnerable spot. I don’t think extra bone is a flaw in a species that likes to punch each other in the face in between tripping over rocks and faceplanting because bipedalism is also a skeletal compromise.
Except sexual selection usually affects one sex, not both. And the extra bone doesn’t make the jaw stronger, it makes it weaker.
Source that extra bone makes a structure weaker?
Source is I heard it somewhere and of course now I can’t find it. :/
Well, what do our mustaches serve?
It obviously drives everyone jealous and seduces the ladies…duh ;-)To attract a partner. I’m sure the mares can’t resist them
Literal moustache rides.
Not everything has a purpose.
It does help them get snow or dust away from food. The upper lip of a horse is very flexible and if you’ve ever been with a horse you might think it has similarities to an elephant’s trunk. The hair can be used as a brush to clean away whatever is obstructing their food.
Style that 'stache into that gentlemanly goatee thing. Like what Doc Holiday played by Val Kilmer has in Tombstone.
The feeling when the old ones are horse people, not fish people. Neigh, neigh, Cthulhu ftaghn
Wilbur needs a pipe