I’ll pick the low hanging fruit and say Game of Thrones, because it was great right up until it wasn’t.
I’ll pick the low hanging fruit and say Game of Thrones, because it was great right up until it wasn’t.
That sounds like a problem that will sort itself out quickly.
Winner winner chicken dinner. It’s always, always, always about them getting out paying something. Always.
That is good to hear. Next time you are feeling really down, remember this moment. Remember how after a while you felt better. Not great, but better. Remember, and internalize that. And then when you feel really low again, you can at least remember back when felt like crap but you KNEW it would get better. Not great, but it always gets better eventually. And then after a while you start to believe it, even if you think you’re fooling yourself a little. And after more time you realize, it’s actually true.
That thought process got me through some very dark times. I hope it is somewhat helpful to you.
Having worked in a shelter where the dogs had plenty of room to shit wherever they pleased, I can assure you that many dogs are not all that concerned about shitting right where they eat.
A big part of it is their stress and fear levels, but yeah some of them just DNGAF.
🥲 Memmmmmmmmmories…
Correlation does not equal causation.
You have to be a little off to WANT to interact with ChatGPT that much in the first place.
I just smoked a j and I’m reading through this thread and all the regular advice comments, then I hit this and started laughing so hard I almost had an aneurysm.
Thank you.
I remember that movie!
Even though you feel like that, it hasn’t ended. I’m glad it hasn’t, so that we can have this conversation.
I’ve felt things like what you’ve described feeling. It’s suffocating when you not only aren’t happy, you can’t see any prospect of happiness in your future.
The thing is, the voice telling you there’s no hope is wrong. And eventually something will come along and shine a glaring light on that fiction, and you’ll realize that there was hope, you just couldn’t see it for a while.
But don’t worry about that. It will arrive. You just have to stay alive long enough for it to reach you. So stay alive today.
Tomorrow when you wake up, decide to stay alive just for the day. That’s all you need to focus on for now.
Please call someone, even a crisis hotline if needed, before taking any actions you can’t undo.
And please reply tomorrow and let me know how you’re doing.
“If you ever feel sad but want to add a side of slightly disturbed to that…”
You’re right, most of them don’t care to learn how everything works at a deep level. But if you are one of the few that do, you can make bank.
Source: Retired at 49.
Treat others as you’d like to be treated.
I know! I worked and slaved for 30 years only to find out they were right all along!
So here’s what you do. Retire. I play video games as long as I want. I sleep whenever I want for as long as want. It’s pretty great.
Cut it in half and we’re only back to mid 1970’s population levels. The population of Earth has doubled in my lifetime, which is insane.
If you’re constantly doing weird, irrational shit, you’re crazy.
If you’re constantly doing weird, irrational shit but you have money, you’re eccentric.
The opposite of “thicc”.
Time is a flat circle.
All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.
(The government fucking everything up, I mean)
Of course you’re right. I just wish we lived on a world where it stopped sooner and we could enjoy rewatching it, even if it was incomplete - like Firefly. The way it ended, I’ll never watch the show again and that sucks.