>Fry: But we have to! The world needs Star Trek to give people hope for the future. > >Leela: But it’s set 800 years in the past! > >Bender: Yeah, why is this so important to you? > >Fry: 'Cause it-it taught me so much. Like how you should accept people, whether they be black, white, Klingon or even female. But most importantly, when I didn’t have any friends, it made me feel like maybe I did.
One of their absolute best episodes.
Do I love galactic exploration and the adventures that come with it, or do I just like fantasizing about a post scarcity world? 🤔
I’m here for both.
You know… I never really put it together but there really is not much interpersonal conflict between those blessed with the post-scarcity society… tensions, sure, but not a lot of really meaningful or lasting conflict, and certainly not what you’d expect from a large crew living together semi-permanently. you see it more with those outside the federation (I also just assume the entire federation is post-scarcity utopia, but that does make the outliers confusing to me personally).
I guess that could be as much to “neutralize the prior story” as to build up that post-scarcity is just better, but there are too many big arcs for that to be a reasonable explanation…
Fuck. Makes that four unattainable needs from those series. (Space travel, replication, holodeck, post-scarcity society. Plz don’t ask me to pick one 😅)
I guess there’s a reason I’m into solarpunk…
That was Gene’s vision, that humans had grown and matured to where we could find ways to resolve problems peacefully at least amongst ourselves. The conflict and moral stories were always supposed to be external. Some Treks did this better than others, but it really was that positive vision of the future that I think resonated with people in the midst of the 60s. I’m glad to see Strange New Worlds now doing something very similar but fresh. We need some positivity in these times too.
that low humming noise on star ships in every episode 🫠
I put that hum on to go to sleep sometimes.
That humming isn’t normal. You left the parking brake on.
I love the scene where Picard has the highground over Darth.
Star Trek is what I go when I just want to feel happy. Doesn’t matter the emotion, Depressed, anxious, self conscious, whatever, I’ll put on some trek and to feel a bit better.
In addition to TNG reminding me of my childhood, I always take comfort that Picard and Crew will almost always find a solution to the problem with as little violence as possible.
Well, as long as they’re not in a movie.
Their manner of talking through problems and finding the best solution is their real strength. It’s pure “competence porn” for leaders.
there was this one birthday, it was so boring that everything ive done the next day had still this prolonged feeling of boredom and not even Q episodes could defeat it
And ive rewatched all
I cant even imagine anymore how “intense” the boredom was
And even on the birthday i realised how extrem it wasThat was the last time i saw this known person
it was an interesting experience (the boredom not the birthday) that i dont want to repeat a second timeI hope you’re doing well now, friend.
So star trek will outlive your mental health?
It’s ok. Part of my mental health will live on in a new body.
A younger, pretty, but less popular one though.