I’m genuinly curious what build people prefer to play as in this game. I have currently tried a sandevistan + mantis blades, a katana/throwing knife build and a netrunner build. I prefer the katana and throwing knife as of now.
The coolest so far was my hack’n’slash build. No sandevistan. Just my sword and cyberboard, casting various stun hacks then slice them up as fast as I could while they stood around like morons. Unfortunately by the time this build got effective (one got mass hacks) one already had access to deadlier hacks, so I did a consciousness effort to not use those.
I was supposed to play a shotgun build in 2.0, but couldn’t resist the new sword ricochet ability, so thats my build now. Maxed out tech, on my way to max out reflexes and some body. My first sandevistan build.
I started a katana build but once I got Johnny’s pistol I specced into that as well because the reload animation is cool, i know other revolvers are stronger but i dont care as long as i look good. No hacks as I use slow time, hipfire the pistol and bring out my katana for enemies that dodge bullets or use it defensively if I get overwhelmed with firepower. I think my spread is 20 reflex, 20 tech, 20 cool, 18 body and 3 intel. For me it’s very fun.
Rule of cool is the number 1 rule in cyberpunk. You’re doing it right.
Looking cool is the way
First playthrough did a stealthy netrunner / silenced pistols Cool/Int/Tech Build which was effective enough, but didn’t hold my interest all the way to the end of the game as it was just a bit detached from the action.
Current new playthrough is basically just a Mass Effect Vanguard with super high mobility, mantis blades, shotguns and some hacking for crowd control. Reflex/Body/Int build and having WAY more fun because the movement and damage potential is so ludicrous. Was tempted by the Sandevistan but wasn’t prepared to give up hacking completely.
ETA: The fun in this build is probably best summarised by this text I sent my friend (who is also replaying) immediately after it happened yesterday:
“LET’S KICK THIS INTO HIGH GEAR!!” screamed the Tyger Claw, as I knee slid past him at 1000 mph and blasted him in the nards with my aggressively yellow shotgun.
Full hacker and smart weapons as a backup.
I am playing a Netrunner/Tech that sneaks around making things “randomly” explode, and when they finally catch me I finish the group with either my smart weaponry or an electrified monowire.
I’m a sandevistan and high powered guns kind of guy. Slow it all down and pick them off one by one. Revolvers, shotguns, and sniper rifles.
Sandevistan + Revolver + Katana makes me feel like Neo, especially at the iconic grades where you see the tracers in air, and can move behind each enemy, fire once, and move on, then they all drop once your time is up.
That’s so dope
whats even cooler is that enemies with Sandevistan themselves don’t slow down as much or at all, and then it makes it feel like Flash V Superman
Sand + 3 knives.
I haven’t played since before 2.0, but my favourite build was pure katana using Byakko and then an additional DPS katana. Byakko is just so much fun.
stealth archersilenced pistols and infectious quickhacks.I loved the nekomata, and would use it in conjuction with Ping Quickhacks. Then I graduated to the Unique Silenced Grad and then it became a Point and Click adventure. I like to think that I’ve become a small menace to night city using this method.
Body/tech, shotties and heavy cyber wear, with PLS arms. So many explosions, such raw power. Thats been my favorite so far.
I played around with a throwing build after watching John wick 3 again, and it’s fun, but requires too much precision for my controller-using ass.
Reflexes with melee is fun too. You can absolutely ZOOM.
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Pre-patch I always went for a body or reflex build because netrunner felt too one dimensional and overpowered once it got rolling. with 2.01 though I’ve been doing a netrunner playthrough and found it much more engaging with the tracing and the quickhack combos and trying to kill as many enemies as possible with non-traceable quickihacks like overload before resorting to more direct attacks.
I really liked netrunner and throwing knives the most. Also gorilla arms build was fun too.
Doing throwing knives and pistols. Having a blast. Reflex and Cool. With tech coming in 3rd. Throwing knives are a good mix of challenge and badassery one shots. Not following a build just having fun.