This joke is backwards.
YouTube is the one trying to kill an infinitely adaptable adversary they stand no chance of defeating.
They are “remodulating” chrome. If you continue to use chrome and any browser based on it, you might soon realize that adblocking doesn’t work anymore, because filtering support was neutered and you no longer will be able to switch to Firefox, as they will outright block it as it allows to block ads.
It is important to use Firefox now to make sure sites won’t start blocking it.
If YouTube ever blocks Firefox alphabet will finally be broken up.
Wanna bet? There are ways to frog in a boiling pot this. And chrome isn’t the only browser that will support blocking Firefox. (They’ll argue Chromium is not Google, only Chrome).
That’s a fig leaf. US courts might agree with that argument, but European courts will see that it all is monopolistic practices to support their ad business. YouTube itself can’t survive market dominance without it’s preferential deals with it’s parent company’s hosting and ads. Ask viemo how using cloud hosting to serve video and third party ads works out. It would be suicidal. The truth is they ALREADY should be broken up.
We’re talking about computers, not leaves
computer me alone
Google likely will be one of the last ones to do it (exactly so it will be hard to to put them in court). I already see Microsoft (surprise!) do this and asking to use Chrome or Edge.
Sounds like websites should subsidize firefox users by serving MORE ads to chrome users.
If you’ve seen Star Trek, you know that the humans are the real infinitely adaptable adversary that the Borg stand no chance of defeating
Sounds like a human wrote that.
God damn right
You say that but Google is working on shoving a drm scheme into Chrome that’d keep you from being able to modify sites (e.g. ad and script blocking) and, due to the sheer market share that chrome and Chromium-based browsers have, Google can kinda just do whatever they want. Of course, it’s ultimately up to the site owners to implement it, but you know probably 90% of sites will use it.
Thank god for firefox!
Reverse the polarity, Geordi!
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Man, what kind of universe am I in where a Wolf 359-truther is getting favorites.
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You mean “The Borg” figuratively
Google ad: resistance is futile …
laser blasts Google ad …
Another Google ad appears: … Resistance is futile
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But the borg assimilate you for free.
To the Borg, you are the product.
The Borg still adapt even if they use a randomly changing sequence, which means even in the future of Star Trek, they haven’t actually found a way for computers to generate real random numbers and it’s just an algorithm to simulate it, which of course the Borg can extrapolate from.
You’d think they’d have quantum mechanics on lock by the 24th century.
I would expect their random numbers to have at least 128 bits of entropy. Evidently, they have 2 or 3.
for all their post-scarcity they ran out of entropy bits in the 2200’s and now they have strict rationing
You guys are killing me
Don’t the borg only adapt after they get shot? They need to experience it to adapt.
That’s an interesting idea, although I’d say in that case they just “meta-adapted”, so that even truly random variations in the same degrees of freedom would not have helped.
Somehow I’ve been fine? Is my setup the chosen one or it just hasn’t come down to me/my region yet?
It’s sent out in waves.
First escalation, you just a warning with an “X” that you can close.
Second escalation, you will be the same warning but without the “X”. You can of course just block the element.
Third escalation, you get the “3 videos” message. After this, YouTube no longer serves you videos. You can get around this by logging out and using incognito mode on Firefox. There are other ways too if you go browse some ublock origin communities.
I’ve been wondering about that too, after seeing this post I watched a 10+ minutes video and it was fine, but I’m not… on an average setup.
So for the moment I’m just going to suppose it’s not active for me yet. Thanks.
I don’t log in when I watch YouTube on Firefox. It remembers your watched videos anyways so why bother? I can’t leave comments or like anything, but “oh no”
I wonder if that’s why I haven’t seen any about using ublock.
Do you know if there’s a way to be logged into gmail (haven’t been able to extract myself from google yet) and logged out of youtube while on firefox? I thought they’d be separate but I tried logging out of yt and found my gmail had been logged out as well.
I’ve just been using private windows recently but I figure FF probably has the capability to keep your log in instances between tabs separate if you tell it to, I just don’t know how.
I haven’t gotten away from Gmail yet either.
I use a email app for that. My Firefox just hasn’t ever seen me log into anything Google, so it doesn’t even try when I visit YouTube. I don’t even use private windows for YouTube.
I just started to get it yesterday
Piped + Libredirect on firefox
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What’s the downside to switching to piped?
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I self host an invidious instance and I haven’t noticed any interruptions so far
Can you host them locally, if they are only meant for yourself?
Yeah you can, a friend of mine was doing that. But he got nervous since Google is going after those also.
Use NewPipe
Use third party apps and services
Is uBlock going to keep fighting this? Will Google sue uBlock and crush them with it’s monopolistic power?
Revanced is still working.
just tried watching a video ublock still working here, you gotta select the popover though
Yeah speaking of, is there a way to disable the pop-up on YouTube yet? I use Firefox and u block