mind empty, agreeing with the last thing they heard a guest say
Kinda wondering what he thinks about this shit now, because he’s had Abby Martin on talking about Palestine a couple of times and he would just nod along to everything she said
Would not be surprised to find out he only did that because she’s hot
OPs title and this comment exactly describe my friend haha
Virgin object permanence haver / Chad Joe Rogan listener
great post!
Himbos without the “respect women” juice
can you even call them himbos at that point?
Nope, they’re incomplete.
That’s just a jock
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Okay but in his defence have you ever tried DMT before?
I have. Joe Rogan sucks
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*Checks “No” beside UlyssesT’s name on my list of people that have done DMT*
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dmt without theory just makes you into a new age hippie lib (aka neoconn)
you’re telling me taking huge amounts of extremely potent psychadelics won’t solve my problems?
shut up nerd
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uhhhhh fuck whats the timiugghgh how about uber for ooeeghh poop samples ooggjh on the blockchain yaaaauugjg
do (drug) become better person
I hate this proposition because I feel it also comes from an extremely western and commodity-brained, colonial standpoint. No matter tons of indigenous and ancient peoples have/had ellaborate rituals with a collective cultural meaning and weight around taking any of their (often sacred) psychoactives, you just need show up at a chaman’s home, slide him a 100 and say “one spiritual epiphany please”, as if you were walking into a 7/11 and buying a stick of gum.
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You’re right in that it’s not a miracle cure for brainworms but I really doubt most of Joe Rogan’s fanbase actually took it. It’s not really that easy to come by.
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Uh ok sure, not sure why you’re so hostile about this tho, it does actually help some people.
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jamie pull that up
Hey uhh, young jamie, what was the name of that supplement I just ordered in last week?
Have you checked out the JRE subreddit? They’re as miserable as the rest of us
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I’m not a religious listener, but I gotta hand it to the guy. Joe’s a boss. Sorry liberals. He gets some legendary guests on and gives them so much space to expose themself as a dipshit or to fight their case as not a dipshit. He does peddle right wingers too often and his mind is so open that his brain fell out years ago, but the guy is still an absolute tank-beast in my books.
handing a microphone to the guy in the middle of the town square covered in shit, while entertaining doesnt make you a good talk show host