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Pleeeeaaaase give this guy some consequences and not another stern talk and finger wag.
Hits bail needs to be revoked.
Fuck I would love to see actual consequences.
Bit worried that the gag order doesn’t directly preclude this though. Like yeah it’s clearly not in the spirit of, but is it a contravention?
The existing gag order from Justice Engoron most certainly does not cover this. AG James is not “court staff.” There would be a very justifiable call for a mistrial if the court and the plaintiff are on the same “staff.”
Trump would probably need to be arrested for the crime of doxxing. This can be charged in New York State, or - because AG James is both a State employee and an officer of the law - also at the federal level.
Widening the gag order sounds much more appropriate.
Although if idiots were to show up at the home of AG James you might reconsider charging Trump with whatever crime seemed appropriate.
Widening the gag order sounds much more appropriate.
It really doesn’t, though, because the end result is that Donald Trump, 45th fucking President of the United States, gets away with creating a substantial threat to the safety of a government employee involved in litigating against him in one of many court cases. Again.
But they’ll say “Oh, everybody knew that already, see it was someone else’s article!” and “AG James is not court staff!” and “First Amendment!” and “Get some flypaper!” And he will get away with it, again. He’ll get away with it next time, too.
The only way to keep him from stochastic terrorism is for one of the criminal courts to revoke his bond and put him in detention pending trial.
Someone is going to have to die before they are willing to crack down. I am hopeful that our justice system won’t let him slide. I imagine the long term damage would be devastating otherwise.
I’m paraphrasing here but
“I could shoot a man in the middle of the street and nothing would come of it”
I mean your right. I’d love to see him in jail.
It’s just that people with far more political and legal credibility than me are going to extraordinary lengths to ensure that the opportunities to cry foul as are minimal as possible.
You’re absolutely correct that this behavior reprehensible and all the rest but that specifically isn’t a crime.
The n the contrary, if doxxing is a crime and he meets the letter of the law he should be charged with that instead. And held without bond. Let him sit in jail without a phone until his lawyers successfully appeal the bond ruling.
this is not the experience of rich people in our court system. they do not sit in cells while their many lawyers do their thing.
if any regular people had done half of the felonious things that turd has, we’d be sitting in a cell.
Judges LOVE it when defendants try to get around court orders based on technicalities!
They’re going to slap the back of his hand with a wet bus ticket.
Fat chance on that buddy.
If I did a single thing this douchebag has done, I’d be in jail. Yet he’s the front runner for president for a political party. Blows my mind.
I cannot wait to not hear his name or voice again.
Almost like we live in a world with two very distinct classes of citizen, based entirely on money.
I feel it is necessary to point out that if Obama had done a small fraction of what Trump is accused of, he would have been executed.
Twice for good measure
I’d take Obama any day over the alternative, but the fact that he’s heralded as one of the greatest after authorizing the murder of an American citizen without due process is pretty remarkable. His presidency was marked with failure, but he’s a charismatic media darling, and the liberals eat it up just like the right.
I think it’s impossible to be the president of a world power without compromising at least some of your morality.
Whoa, whoa, whoa there. That is a conversation for c/TheDocksLaterTonight keep it low profile. (●__●)
I cannot wait to not hear his name or voice again
I suspect his obituary will only be the start of a decades long industry of books, articles and documentaries about him.
Unfortunately, he’s a stain on this planet that won’t go away for a very long time, even after he has a hamberder induced coronary.
The documentaries are already starting! Fox News has a show called Who is Donald J. Trump.
Man, totally with you. My fear is it’ll be the opposite. Either;
“ONN’S TOP 10 !MORE! REASONS A 3RD TERM IS A LOCK FOR MAGA” Exclusive interview with Trump Rises Again from the other marketing team.
Not sure I have a preference for either. It’s inevitable though, we’re gonna be hearing about this seasonally appropriate burning shit bag on democracies porch for far too long after it either wins or lays low for another 30 years.
white loves matter
Why does that sound like some kind Log Cabin porn?
What a beautiful typo!
Average redditor thinks he is as important as a former us president. Wow. Just wow.
Work on your reading comprehension as you learn the English language.
They were saying that if any normal person had committed any one of the MANY crimes that this traitor has, we would already be locked up.
The word normal was never mentioned. On the contrary, he said it blows his mind, which means it was expected for him to get the same treatment. You wish you lacked what you’re accusing me of, instead youre arguing about non-existent words. Moronic and arrogant, congrats
It’s ok, you’ll learn how to read implied context one day - if you keep trying just a bit harder.
Now that we have that solved, do you or do you not believe traitor trump would be in jail if he weren’t a bratty trust fund con artist?
Or are you going to continue to avoid the reality that rich people don’t have laws applied to them like regular people?
He said it blows his mind, therefore the implication is he views him as his equal.
It’s ok, you’ll learn how to read implied context one day - if you keep trying just a bit harder.
The rest of your ramblings are strawmen, our argument was over my comment
Nope. That was not the implication. I’ve tried to explain it to you multiple times and it still somehow isn’t making it through to you. Makes sense I suppose
He said 2 things 1)trump is not getting the same treatment as he would 2)that fact blows his mind. This could only be mindblowing if he viewed him as his equal.
Also you “explained” stuff once, when you claimed he considers himself normal, when did the multiple times happen? Does the strawman trust fund baby avoiding jail count as explanation? As if I didnt already mention him being ex president which matters 100x more than his money. Youre making shit up every message, must be exhausting for people to talk to you irl.
Anyone else would have been arrested and jailed by now.
And his fan boys and girls all whine about him being picked on. We really are being played with.
lol the government is literally going after their political opponents, and the application of equality under the law is laughable, I feel sorry for anyone that can’t see this. The Republicans and Democrats are the same party, they both don’t care about you, divide and conquer is the goal
going after political opponents
are the same party.
It must be a cobweb of bullshit in your head. You’re right about the application of law being unequal, but not in the way you meant it chief.
yeah, because all those Democrats and their lawyers are being arrested, give me a break
Let’s just talk about your username for a second before we get into your stupid point.
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Do I… Do I have to tell them folks? OK here we go. Are you aware of the Jewish stereotype of referring to them as goblins? Ohh of course you are. Look at that “lovely” username!
Ya know why? Because Democrats do not walk in lock step to fend off any accountability of the criminality of someone witha D next to their name.
This is why no democrats and their lawyers aren’t getting arrested; they aren’t commiting crimes and using lawyers to obstruct the process, intimidate witnesses, lie at every turn under oath, etc.
Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) on Thursday called on the full Senate to vote on a resolution to expel Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) from the chamber in the wake of new charges asserting the New Jersey senator has acted as a foreign agent on behalf of Egypt.
time and time and time again, Democrats throw fellow dems to the wolves when they act criminal. Time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time again do the Republicans stand by their fellow Rs to reject any and all accountability.
Did Biden force Trump to lie to the gov and the banks about the monetary value of his properties and also lie that other institutions had validated said numbers? Did Biden force trump to take, share with others, and refuse to give back top secret documents? Did Biden force Trump to try and overturn the fuckin election?? Did Biden force Trump to rape E Jean Carroll? Did Biden force Trump to stand by the opinion that the president of the fucking united states has no duty to support the US constitution?
I feel sorry for anyone that can’t see this
your trolling is weak as fuck, you’re pathetic
jesus fucking christ
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Seems like your talking about BLM riots. Where where the political candidates in these riots? I don’t see how this is even remotely the same.
Explain in detail what the charges are and evidence for those charges, please.
Sounds like one political party just sucks at not getting caught then by your logic. Get better politicians.
lol Trump is a career criminal and grifter, and you are the mark, and now he is finally facing legal consequences for years of crime.
I feel sorry that you can’t see this and Trump has somehow convinced you it’s political persecution. It’s hard to hear or accept, but you are being grifted and tricked to support and follow a mob boss scam artist.
That criminal tried to say my vote didn’t count and tried to have it overruled. I don’t care who’s political opponent he is. He needs to be sent to a federal pound me in the ass prison.
Context matters.
They’re not going after him BECAUSE he is an opponent.
They’re going after him because he committed crimes.
Being a political opponent does not grant you diplomatic immunity.
Don’t feel sorry for others, feel sorry for yourself.
The judges in Trump’s various cases have to walk a fine line between justice being served and accusations of being politically aggressive against a high profile defendant.
Accusations which could derail the case and do even more damage to trust in the judiciary and the overall rule of law.
accusations of being politically aggressive against a high profile defendant
Republicans already launch those accusations regardless of whether or not they have merit. Worrying about what Republicans are going to say is a losing game.
Well it’s more about a mistrial. Anything that isn’t clear cut is going to be grounds for an appeal.
Republicans should be written off, but Enlightened Centrists matter (unfortunately). You want to keep the merit of the claims low enough that centrists can’t latch onto it for “both sides” purposes.
The centrists argue in bad faith all the time and say stupid shit without merit too, they’re just smarter about it.
It’s time for us to ignore and dismiss them the way we do right-wingers.
OK. Now we’ve ignored and dismissed 60% of the population. How do you propose to do that and still advance policy in a democracy?
Rather than placating the right, you work too ridicule and humiliate them - make their stances unreasonable to sympathise with, let alone adopt.
Then you’ve got to deal with the civility politics backlash, but how much has that ever really hurt the GOP - their base love it.
Now that I can get behind.
By not listening to you basically.
Here, watch.
And he’s the kind of person who’ll just keep stepping further over the line until the hammer finally comes down. Judges know this type, and they usually throw them in jail sooner because they know the violations will only get worse.
But I doubt this guy’s ever going to jail. He’s rich and famous, so…different rules.
Just how many laws does this man have to break before he faces any real consequences??
It really is a divide of the rich and the poor, cause if any of us did just one of the things he’s done there’d be no question, and we’d be behind bars already.Unfortunately, to have a squeaky clean trial the prosecutor and judge need to go above and beyond so there’s zero chance trump can come back and claim bias, and ask for a mistrial.
Stupid, but, not.
and incidentally, this fear of accusation causes an inherent bias in the opposite direction. Slap him in jail already. Communication only through his lawyers. or maybe only through court appointed lawyers. Because, you know, his lawyers are also likely to be criminals.
He has appeals judges partly in his pocket. If they are handed a case with zero objectionable actions by prosecution or the judge, they’re not going to go full-MAGA and say “we’re letting him out anyway”. If they have even the dumbest little technicality, they’re “just doing their job” in freeing him.
Just look at his early SCOTUS appeals.
Never will.
Man, justice sure is swift for the poor and the nameless.
He knows his supporters will do something. He knows them very well.
And, even better, Democrats know they’ll get votes even though they’ve done nothing meaningful to stop it, so why would Trump ever stop?
nothing meaningful? pay closer attention
I suppose it is meaningful, in a way, that they’ve issued a bazillion court orders against him and he’s ignored them all without any accountability.
They’ve made a monster.
Yeah, those Democrats really encourage
himRepublicans to be the worse 🙄They absolutely do by deciding not to hold him accountable.
Yeah they should have impeached him for at least a couple different things. And all the Democrats should have voted for it. Oh yeah they did.
WE should have elected more Democrats because all of their votes is not enough when all (or all but a few) Republicans vote to block it. Most things in Congress require more than a 1 vote majority to pass, and Republicans always line up to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Democrats didn’t decide not to hold him accountable. But that is exactly what the Republicans did.
They had the full authority of the Federal Government for two years.
And they let him walk on everything.
Electing Democrats doesn’t accomplish anything. You just make more excuses like you’re doing right now.
Justice system is a separate entity
Don’t pin Trump’s behavior on us. That’s his responsibility and his alone.
I’d put some of it on the Republicans who enabled him as well as the conservative news organizations and talk radio that have knowingly pumped out propaganda for decades. No Democrats though - which is what you were talking about.
Fair enough, agreed
so you actually just don’t understand a goddamn thing then, cool.
He can always be counted on to go lower.
Do not challenge him to a limbo match.
The cheeseberders would decide the outcome for him.
Law is complicated and most of it is not updated for social media. I’m pretty sure he has a dedicated lawyer checking his statements for gag order violations and if the lawyer can’t directly say if it’s a gag order he goes ahead with it.
It’s very important for trump to look defiant but not in a way that will send him to jail.
I’m pretty sure he has a dedicated lawyer checking his statements for gag order violations and if the lawyer can’t directly say if it’s a gag order he goes ahead with it.
I don’t share your certainty on that at all. Trump doesn’t exactly employ the most qualified lawyers anymore, especially since he has a long history of not paying them and being complicit in sending them to jail. Also he would never let a lawyer hinder his impulse shitposting.
When he was president that was the case. Now he runs actual risk of going to jail. He is stupid but he is also a coward with basic survival instincts. He has done several statements where it has looked like he violated a gag order but he threads the needle by attack people that are adjacent to the gag order but not named.
He has shitty lawyers but they usually get into trouble when trying to get him out of crimes already committed. This is a pretty simple thumbs up or down procedure and everybody knows that the judge won’t bring the hammer down unless it is a textbook violation.
I think the stupid may outweigh the survival instincts.
I’m pretty sure he has a dedicated lawyer checking his statements
I wish I had your confidence in order and institutions. Either it was a F-tier lawyer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lhy5Y8xVHS0 or it was just Trump retweeting (or whatever it’s called on his platform) an article of which he like the headline.
Remember Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity … my money is on a toilet retweet
The man who doesn’t know a consequence from a clitoris again broke the rules. Shocking, I wonder how they’re gonna gently corrale him this time while his supporters go on a murder mission.
Ok it may not violate the gag order because to my knowledge threats again the AG are not covered. However that is a separate crime
I really hope the judge does make a move at this point.
He needs to find Trump in contempt and remand his bail so he has to stay in jail (without social media) until his court date.
plane crash full of Republican “politicians” a la Lynyrd Skynyrd when
I prefer the comparison to Prigozhin myself
a modern take on a classic! 🤌
How could we have predicted such an unprecedented action. /s
That was pretty quick. Who won the pool?
The gag order was on 10/3, so honestly he’s lasted much longer than I thought he would.
Did anyone bet on 1.5 Mooches?
Holy shit. “mooches”.
I haven’t heard that in like twenty years.twenty years. Aka 664 mooches
Geez he’s a putrid looking individual