Then you look at the temperature and think eh…45 isn’t that bad. We’ll survive. That will be the moment the wind whips up and sleet starts hitting you in the face.
Thats 1.66 °C to 8.88 °C in sensible units.
Good bot
The “sensible” nature of everything besides Kelvin is just opinion.
dungarees science
Celsius is no more “sensible” than Fahrenheit for human comfort.
IMO there is no reason to cling to the idea that feet and yards, Fahrenheit, pounds snd ounces, cups and pints make any sense.….it’s kind of embarrassing as an American. We should have just bit the bullet and switched 40 years ago but we are lazy and have no willpower.
We should start calling them freedom degrees and just own that we are stubborn for no reason.
It’s the tool manufacturers. They love selling you two sets of socket wrench sizes for $$$$.
American here too… I’m totally OK with switching to metric as long as we keep Fahrenheit for weather. It just makes so much more sense.
IMO it’s not even about something making sense, we’re just very accustomed to fahrenheit, so it feels more natural to us.
I’ll be the first to admit that I have no idea about what’s warm and cold in Celsius. I know 0 is quite cold, 20 is room temperature, and 100 is near instant death.
100 is near instant death.
Otherwise known as Dallas, Texas.
20 is a hot room, 15 is room temperature
10 - 30 is average for most weather in moderate parts of the world 5 - 10 is it cold night <3 and you have snow 50 would be a desert
15°C is way too cold as room temperature, 18 - 20°C is the minimum at which I’m comfortable
22-23 is where I’m comfortable.
How does it make more sense??? They’re both just numbers in a scale, but at least one had a useful couple of data points.
I’m ok with Fahrenheit but would just make it easier if the whole world used the same, so I’d be cool with switching.
Celsius is an absolute measurement of a physical phenomenon, and can be tested to check its validity. Fahrenheit is a measurement of what some person a long time ago personally feel like at the time, and it’s not even accurate for most humans.
Using -10 - 40 as a range of temperatures experienced by humans makes way less sense than 0 - 100. We’re a base 10 species so it’s much better for regular use.
Metric aficionados rightly point out that the other measures are all nicely base 10, so why doesn’t that argument hold for temperature too? Celsius is inferior.
Water boils at 100 celcius and freezes at zero. Most temp ranges are (~)-40 to +40 (for now). Each base 10 you speak of gets a slightly different outfit. It’s intuitive and easy to plan for.
Celsius definitely makes sense for gauging how you’ll feel at different temperatures if you’re water. Fahrenheit works better for human beings though.
What? No way dude. 0 and below is freezing temperatures. Negative = cold. 0-10 requires light coat and maybe a beanie. 10-20 is sweater weather. 20-30 is t shirt weather. 30-40 is hot as fuck weather.
Or a simple scale from 0 - 100. 0 being extremely cold and 100 being extremely hot (from the perspective of a human being)
I live in a Celsius country and for the thermostat, we have to deal with decimals to fine tune the room temp. Flipped the thermostat to Fahrenheit and it instantly made more sense.
But you’re still using too-large chunks. Being comfortable requires finer tuning than C degrees, and I don’t like having to use a bunch of decimals or fractions either.
Edit: I see you like 19.5 which makes my point even though I prefer 72.
Except when water doesnt boil or freeze at 0/100; Based off altitude or salinity and some other things. You dont need a whole temperature scale based off those 2 factors. Water will boil when it bubbles on the stove, and will freeze when it turns solid in the freezer. Kelvin is better for scientific numbering. Fahrenheit is better for daily life.
I will admit, distance and volume measuring is better metric. I’m so sick of having to play the math game of teaspoons to tablespoons to cups etc. Distance is easier too once you use it for a while. I bet you could ask a ton of people how far a mile is, and many wouldnt be able to give you distance in feet…
“The ranges experienced by humans” is extremely variable. My friends from hotter countries can barely handle 10°C, but are fine at 40°C, and it’s entirely the opposite for me.
I assure you that for regular use, Celsius works great. I don’t really think either is better than the other in practice (outside of chemistry), but “it’s the range people experience” is kinda bull. A 10 degree F difference from 0 to 10 is very different from 60 to 70.
Also, water freezing at 0°C (and boiling at 100°C, to a lesser degree) is quite convenient in everyday life. Just check for a minus sign and you know if it can freeze.
Yes, and it’s not like you can’t experience temperatures that are not 0-100°F. Here in Sweden (and Finland) we have saunas, and I can assure you that there is a difference between 100 and say 110 Fahrenheit.
btw, is there any word for “being in a sauna” in English? In Swedish we would say “basta” , which is mentioned in our dictionary (in SAOL and SO but not in the SAOB article from 1901) but Google translate fails to translate it. We also have the longer form “bada bastu” that translates to “take a sauna” but I really prefer the shorter form.
I’m not aware of any word like that
Down with you Imperial fascist! Long live the Metric!
According to Mike Pence it gets low like that in Indiana because the witches tits make it colder on Halloween, or so mother says…
None the richer.
I have not seen high school girls wearing bras and underwear to be Miley Cyrus in several years…so if the GOP are behind it for moral reasons it may have worked.
Guessing by the downvotes the joke did not land or doesn’t make sense. Not sure why. Mike Pence is a prude and teenage girls coming to the door half naked make me uncomfortable.
Growing up in the Northeast, we got very used to wearing our puffy winter coats over our costumes most years. If you were lucky it was clear and cold, but most years it either snowed or rained.
The secret is to dress as a superhero and buy a costume that’s too big. Put your jacket under the costume and it just looks like muscles.
Thats a good way so assure it will be 82 degrees and 80% humidity 😂
I don’t mind the chill it just seems to come at the last second every year. 70° on the 30th, then 30° on the 31st. Then it will hit 80° again in November… Jack Frost is a bitch.
Same happened in Salem one year. Snowed on the 30th and 70F on the 31st.
70 degrees? How aren’t you boiling alive?
We have special houses in America, with fire resistant walls and overpowered AC and built-in gun safes.
I thought that was Celsius for a second lol
At least it looks like it won’t rain on Halloween, that’s the important part.
It will probably snow, even if the forecast says clear and sunny 😑
It rained more halloweens than not when I was a kid.
84 and humid in FL for Halloween, as usual. I miss a nice crisp fall.
Fuck yeah it’s getting cold for Halloween
“Cold snap” he says, staring at you Wisconsinly.
Don’t plant anything new in the garden. It will die.
I grew up in the Chicago area and my mom would make my costumes. It was always a crapshoot whether it would be freezing or really hot on Halloween. I was often dressed incorrectly.
Good that we don’t do Halloween here.
What a strange comment.
If you think 48F is freezing you try spending time in actual cold weather where its actually below the freezing point of water.
I changed the title to cold snap so you can take down the gate, grandpa. And just for the record, 45° is cold when you are dressed as a princess wearing tights or Spider-Man in a thin suit from Target.
I suppose I shouldn’t be so critical. To me 80 is hot.
Hey, good on you for being pretty cool about things overall. I like that about lemmy, we all seem to ultimately want to understand each-other and get along.
Yeah tell that to the people who keep spewing propaganda without stopping to think. I’ve had to leave a few communities because all of the content was so pessimistic. (This is part of the reason I am now trying to be more friendly online. We don’t need to fight hate with hate)
We get that in Indiana too, but it’s pretty difficult to adjust to a 30 - 40 degree drop in temperature over a short period of time. We get into the negatives (especially in the north where I am), but it’s usually a gradual drop throughout winter.
Never really understood gate-keeping being cold though, kinda weird.
Thanks for your comment…gatekeeping nowadays is old and annoying.
45° F is cold for trick or treating and that’s before wind chil
Yeah I went back and read me comment and it is a little silly. I guess it just depends on where you are. I grew up with bitter cold Halloweens so 48 sounds nice.
They’re in Indiana not Florida