Gods above I hate liberals.
Yes, the story about a union strike over worker ownership of their company against their cutthroat corporate owners isnt communist.
The story about the corporation that hired a group of psychopathic, genocidal, fascist, ex-military mercenaries to break said strike by any means necessary is definitely not communist.
The story literally set in a post-revolutionary failed state that has been ripped apart by imperialism and neoliberal austerity imposed by a coalition of constitutional monarchies and liberal democracies deadset on keeping their monetary system’s inflation rate low at any cost, leaving in their wake a people broken and lost, with nothing to live for except the next bottle or hit? No thats not communist at all.
The story which puts you in the place of a beat cop, a member of the citizens militia left to pick up the pieces after the coalition leaves Revachol a dried up husk. The story of a man whose life is left so in tatters by his society and inability to cope with the pain and isolation he feels, he drinks himself into oblivion, forgets everything and fractures his psyche into 24 pieces? The story where nothing he does can undo his past actions and no matter how well you play, he still must contend with his own material existence as an imperfect human? Or that no matter what personal ideological stance you give him, he still does his job for the RCM and “solves” the case? Nope, absolutely no communist themes here.
“No! Communism is most certainly not a central theme to Disco Elysium! Is a story about individual identity! And community! No communism here, so stop looking for it!!!” :biden-point:
:lenin-rage: AHHHHHHHHH
E: I forgor to link the post lol
the lead writer had a bust of lenin on his desk because it was a quirky way to express their identity as an artist
When the devs thanked Marx for teaching them political theory when they won the game awards? That was just a funny bit!
If you read the title, its a game about disco. Please do NOT look into the backstory of the disco era thanks
Disco Elysium doesnt even have a story! Its just a rhythm game set to classic 70s hits.
The jokes about firing squads really convinced people that communism is just another political ideology target within the game, enough to miss literally everything to do with it that isnt surface level union stuff and Harry saying dumb shit.
The communist vision quest should have been mandatory, the final conversation in that really feels like a central thesis statement about the game and the worldview of the developers, and a message to the player themselves. I literally could not imagine experiencing the game without that moment.
Liberals turning everything into Harry Potter personality test bullshit is the greatest plague of modern ‘discourse’. The sheer ability to obfuscate anything in a shroud of impossibly complex ‘systems’ (that neither prove or disprove, or argue for or against ANYTHING) is such a silver bullet against ideological development.
“It’s not actually about X it’s really a commentary on a bunch of half observations I have made that have no real ideological symmetry sweaty” Like every opinion these people have is just another 5 page paper they had to write for their undergrad freshman composition class, where you get extra points for being contrarian.
post-revolutionary failed state that has been ripped apart by imperialism
part of the problem is people have been taught that did not happen, that the destruction had already existed as a result of communism, so they cannot draw the same comparisons that make this commentary obvious