Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our cult, here is our weekly discussion thread.
● Matrix homeserver and space
● Theory discussion group on Matrix
● Find theory on ProleWiki, marxists.org, Anna’s Archive and libgen
Currently residing in a cabin in the woods and I only have a radio (and wifi lol). But I accidently stumbled upon a classical music channel that is having some sort of medieval theme today. I didn’t know medieval music could be this fire.
Have you heard of Birds on a Wire? Some of their music has a medieval theme and I love it. They sing in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and French, too.
I have not but I will check them out, thanks
Plus, this: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=t8A62wr9bQI
Losing old friends over their support for genocide Joe. Worst thing about it is that they’re not even American. Stupid fuckers.
only moment i look forward each monday 😌
Canada was colonized and federated by the damn railroad, you can connect 90% of the population with two straight lines, but we will never get HSR
Quebec City to Windsor? What’s the other line?
Don’t you have to, y’know, cross the Rockies for that?
That sounds insanely expensive.
Aw fuck you’re right
Guess I’ll go around the Rockies, just like the highway and existing railway.
First o7 Have a good week comrades
Makes my week every week seeing your pup
A puppy that even manages a tail wag in a still photo.
She often wags her tail so hard that she hits herself in the face with it.
Aww haha that’s what I like to hear.
Shoutout to the French antifa squads who are out in the streets every day to beat up fascists
In case you needed it to start your week, here’s an IOF tank getting blown up.
I had to watch it a few times to figure out where I needed to be looking. I couldn’t locate the little red arrow.
The irony of having to make 14-15 hour days volunteering for a party that fights for better working rights is not lost on me. Working towards communism may actually give me a burn-out.
Burnout helps no one comrade, take time for yourself.
I’m active on a number of local communities, some of which are mostly English-language, and some of which aren’t. Demographically though, it’s pretty much the same people.
In the English subs the amount of Zionist glowposting is maybe twenty times higher. It’s staggering.
All because Israel’s troll farms and bots don’t speak my language.
The IDF doesn’t even speak Arabic well.
Surely climate change must be happening much faster than we think. The last few years have seen much more extreme weather. Over here it’s been raining non stop for days now and parts of the country are again flooded.
Absolument. I did a deeper dive of US “emissions” here: https://hexbear.net/comment/4246041
In short, the US significantly under reports their emissions from natural gas because they don’t sufficiently consider the short-term impact of methane or the degree of methane leakage occuring.
Even the best climate scientists have been underestimating feedback, which is amplifying and accelerating the effects. A ton of models are linear when reality is exponential. We’re finally in 2023 seeing more climate scientists admit that they’ve been far too conservative/optimistic.
Avant, pendant et après moi, le déluge.
My region is experiencing a lot of problems this year. We had no rain in summer so we had really low water levels at the dams that supply water for farming thus water will be limited and thus yields will be lower, our entire economy revolves around farming so this hurts everyone. Also some tropical storms hit us during planting season, which hurts planted crops and delays yet-to-plant fields
Yes it is. Much much faster.
There are several reasons, among which (the list is not exhaustive):
- Many positive (and negative, but the overwhelming effect is definitely positive) feedback processes are known to exist, but cannot be quantified. If they cannot be quantified, they are not taken into account into the models, only as vague “climate tripwires” with no certainty of when the trigger will be pushed or in some cases if it has or hasn’t already. Some of those have the potential to rival human emissions in scale if we do trigger them.
- Many other similar feedback processes likely exist but we are not even aware of them.
- The source of governmental decisions is the IPCC; when an IPCC report is published, the research it uses is already years, sometime more than a decade, out of date (this makes sense but it does mean there is a lag between current reality and decision-making).
- The IPCC report itself, once actual scientists have finished writing it, is then provided to political actors (the US, the UAE, etc.) in order to reword or rewrite parts of it they deem incompatible with their strategic objectives. There was a leak of the politically-unedited IPCC report about two years back, and the wording was very different.
- Many scientists self censor, consciously or not, because they’ll usually end up being called “alarmists”. This, among other things, results in the models the IPCC designs and uses being highly optimistic.
As a sidenote, and only somewhat related to your initial question: for a few years now, all IPCC trajectories that do not end up in widespread societal collapse and potentially human extinction rely on imaginary technologies.
Wikipedia on wartime deportations within the Soviet Union: “100 bajillion people died on account of Stalin being evil and bigoted and a member of the Russian KKK.”
Wikipedia on the English enclosures, the Highland Clearances, Siege of Drogheda, etc: nOOance
two bottoms sexting:
‘it turns me off you’re not mean’
‘sorry…’ ‘exactly.’