I got banned from my literal fav subreddit bc I got a high rated comment and the mods checked my profile and called me a “terrorist” (except I have never had any attempts at or approval of terrorism, terrorism is to create terror as Lenin said, it doesn’t stir up anything good among a terrified working class and I’m not a psychopath) so I just deleted Reddit. No more libs in my head. No more Yoocrane funds talked about every 2 seconds. No TieJuan talked about every 3 seconds. Peace ☮️ Finally.
I used the API to overwrite and delete all my messages and deleted my account today.
I’m slowly deleting all my social media accounts and stay only on fediverse stuff. I think the slower, less FOMO driven nature of Lemmy will make it a more healthy to find people to talk with.
I’m holding on to my Reddit account the same as I’m holding on to my Twitter account. I might come back to it later, if conditions change, but I’m sure as shit not contributing meaningful content on either of those platforms anymore.
I’ve already been suspended I need to stop using it but shitliberalssay keeps me coming back I need to delete it too
I only go there for the informational and hobby subs like fermentation, fasting, woodworking, etc. Everything else that’s not some kind of hobby related thing just gets taken over by power mods and turned into a spam box of the exact same shit as all the other mainstream subs mingled with fed posting.
Yeah, there’s definitely a shift towards more reactionaries now on Reddit. People saying the French Revolution was bad and monarchist comments in the soccer sub.
Deleting reddit is self-care.
I’m not quitting Reddit yet but the number of subreddits I’m subscribed to is going down and now that RIF doesn’t work anymore I’ve stopped using Reddit on my phone
I have to admit, it is gratifying not to have to field dozens of replies that include the word “tankie”.
I deleted reddit after I told an ancap dad that he shouldn’t be allowed within 50 feet of ANY child and should probably do the world a favor and redacted himself.
He deserved it, for sure. But I realized that I did not desire to be the type of person telling others to harm themselves online, regardless of who they are. It just made me mad and was never worth it.
The propaganda campaign is really ramping up. This is the second time in as many days that I’ve heard leftists being called terrorists. I’m already a groomer and pedophile according to these people. I guess it stands to reason that terrorist is next up. It’s really not going to be long before there’s calls to lock us all up.
called me a “terrorist”
We did it folks, we finally made it back to 2002
After 9/11, the shittiest people in the world called me the T word for being brown and having a foreign-sounding name. In the subsequent years they hated me for my obvious neurodivergence, my lack of misogynistic tendencies, my refusal to accept the alt right, my insistence on wearing an N95, and now my identity as an nb trans person. This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Every year they get more mad and I only have more middle fingers to give.
All the best to our melanin-rich NB comrades, stay safe out there, the US is not a forgiving place, give a few middle fingers from me 🖕🖕🖕🖕 lol
i’m so glad that i quit reddit
Welcome to a new sense of sanity. You’ll never regret ditching that neoliberal echo chamber.
I’m 2 days out and other than the urge to just type in Reddit when Im bored (which luckily I deleted and have no urge to redownload) I just read articles or go on lemmygrad, or read a book. I feel more productive now that I don’t just get myself pissed and ready to rant in comment form lol
yeah that’s how i felt when i quit Facebook about 12 years ago too… that constant urge to go to Facebook every 5 minutes was brutal… i finally ended up blocking it on my hosts file which did the trick
Reddit wasn’t nearly as hard since it was more or less like quitting Facebook again, and knowing how much better my life was after doing that the first time made it so much easier the next