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A rare out loud laugh, such beautiful effort
Actually brilliant. I applaud you
I have saved this. It is 100% the best comment I have ever seen on a meme.
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From the thumbnail I though this was a really long cat with a little green hat lying down as if it had a fever.
Then I thought you added the post images onto the cat’s body.
Then at last I zoomed in and turns out there’s no cat.
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I’m still laughing at this hours later, and am documenting this all to share with friends. Without a doubt in my top 5 comments of all time, I love you
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Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !
Lol! Nice!
Giving me some Photoshopbattles vibes.deleted by creator
We’ll need follow ups on the life of this tall boy.
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Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !
Okay but As a native north carolinian and a csi enthustiast, my only true beef with this and any other cinematic representation is… NC doesn’t require front plates. Just the rear. So when people filming over in cali are all like, yo, pop this NC plate on the front bumper, I just… i just lose it. From a continuity standpoint.
The csi zoom screw passes the vibe check for me, but the NC front plate does not lol
I mean jeez looking for procedural realism in modern crime shows is a lost cause.
It’s a hill I’m prepared to die on 😂
Las Vegas opening, New York investigation, Miami punch line.
There’s gonna be a day when people don’t understand this anymore. Considering the resolution phone cameras have now, it may not even be that much longer.
I’m wondering if AI can already solve this. I’m not even some crazy AI fanboy, I’m just thinking about the possibility of predictive AI being able to interpret compression artifacts to determine what forms would collapse into a particular pattern.
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Basically AI is making an artist’s impressions.
No, but AI can be used to make up “evidence” and falsely convict people through “science”, “technology”, and “math” that people don’t understand but assume is correct because computers or something.
Have AI upscaled images been allowed as courtroom evidence?
There have been upscaling AIs for a few years, which can take a blurry picture and then e.g. guess that some pixels are probably hair, so it’ll swap those out for a custom rendered version of hair.
Sometimes that works well, but you often still have Uncanny Valley stuff going on. I also certainly don’t feel like they’re better at actually interpreting low-res images than humans, not in their current state.
And well, it should also be noted that if you prime such an AI with an image of the suspect, it will absolutely find a way to make a blurry mess of pixels look like that. So, it certainly shouldn’t serve as the only evidence.
Calm down there, you’re starting to sound all inquisitive & such. Like that creamsicle lookin’ fella from the show.
There has been for some time AI image and video resolution upscaling for some time, and it works very very well. Allows zoom and “enhance” but not to the ridiculous scale we see here of course. But you can take standard CCTV footage and 4k upscale it and zoom. Its very impressive.
This already happens. See the Samsung S23 Ultra Moon picture marketing that turned out to be a lie.
Honestly seems that a lot of crime shows would become more realistic if they just had a psychic on the squad.
Gotta get Daphne Moon
Or Diana Troi
Red Dwarf did a parody of CSI.
That was beautiful
That was not a parody of CSI but of Blade Runner. The whole mini was packed with Blade Runner references.
found this in video form…
Thanks, I was getting sore thumb from all the scrolling
I’m so glad to see this again
Answer: A ML-model just makes it the fuck up