It’s definitely not as impressive as the other posts on here (this entire room is worth less than a lot of people’s single instruments), but I love all of em and play almost every day
When you use them, it’s a good collection.
I have 4 as well, 2 accustic (1 restored by an uncle now passed away), 1 electric guitar and 1 electric bass, but finding time to play them (and finally learn how to play them well) is a challenge.
I know exactly what you mean. The only time I really get is at night after the kids are in bed. And that usually means sacrificing time from something else, like gaming or watching a movie/show. But I don’t mind
Biggest ‘issue’ here is that I want to have time with my wife, who just ‘celibrated’ her 10 y cancer patient anniversary. No clue how long we have together.
However, I need to start planning time for myself. At least I re-insated the use for my stereo system, at least I can listen to music again and deconstruct it to find guitar and bass lines in it.
No need to compare yourself to others. If you enjoy playing them, then it’s a good collection!
Nice collection my man. The wood on the Ibanez is killer!!
I have a lot of very expensive guitars that I bought long ago when they weren’t expensive. Musician friends of mine always talk about their worth. To me, I loved them when I bought them decades ago for a few hundred dollars, I play them everyday and they don’t even go into their cases. It’s not about worth, it’s about how they make you feel and your connection to the guitar.
If you love them and they bring you joy, then they’re worth more than whatever it is they’re selling for on reverb.