The Doughboys - a podcast where they review chain restaurants (fast food to fast casual to high end chains). The hosts (Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell, comedians) have a love-hate relationship that makes it so fun and real. And their guests are the best.
If you like short and sweet (most eps. 20–30 min) and don’t mind being sad that it’s discontinued:
Two buddies discuss what a world without a particular thing (one thing per episode) would be like. No color? No chairs? No numbers? They tackle these questions in often unapologetically unscientific, and always creative and hysterical ways.
My podcasts fall into two groups:
- Destination Linux
- Late Night Linux and its brethren
- Linux GameCast and its sister show LWDW
- The War on Cars
- The Urbanist Agenda
- Strong Towns Podcast
- Upzoned
They release on almost a daily schedule, so I always have something to listen to.
This American Life
Decoding the Unknown
The Running Channel
Every so often Planet Money
I used to listen to Reply All until their whole thing and they shut down.
- Spout Lore (actual play dungeon world podcast which is an absolute blast of hilarity and wholesomeness)
- Dungeon and daddies (first season is a masterpiece, after that, your mileage may vary, they are going too often in the “too raunchy” for my taste but there are some good episodes still)
- Adventure Zones I recently dropped. I basically enjoy only the one off they do in the old West with ghosts and such. The main campaign is subpar since quite some time
- Not Another D&D podcast, I’m catching up with the first season still, sometimes they go for the “over the top” for no reason but there are some good moments. I absolutely loathe the sponsors they use (like fucking turbotaxes and other exploiting companies)
I had others but over time the quality dropped unfortunately.
I used podcast for infotainment and keeping updated with work related stuff as well once, but since the pandemic I don’t commute anymore and the time for podcast is basically just for when I cook or clean.
- Coder Radio
- Ask Noah Show
- Late Night Linux
- Linux Unplugged
- 2.5 Admins
- Self-Hosted
- Linux Action News
Thanks for the recommendations. Subscribed to all of them!