I’m going to kidnap this man, put a bag over his head, drag him here to Bullshit, Ohio, and make him spend a week with my bills and budget.
It’s probably going to take me a while to accomplish that, due to said bills and budget. It would be awesome if the entire site/planet could please join with me in this goal of forcing this man to walk a mile in literally any shoes less privileged than his own.
failing that, maybe we could at least get our hands on the primo drugs he is taking
I would love to see a show on MeansTV that actually subjects ghouls to the living conditions of average Americans
but how would you get them to agree to do the show? unless… …
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I don’t have any evidence
So you spend like a century trying to push the message “our economy is the envy of the planet”, eliminated your only competitor, and people are still unconvinced that the economy is good? Well of course, it’s the people who are out of touch, not me!
I do agree that the US media should be blocked outside of US.
Can we block it in the US too?
What if the US wasn’t exporting propaganda, but was instead being propagandized by them?
USA in the 90s: Finally, communism has been defeated! Now to complete globalization, end world hunger, and usher in a new era of peace, stability, human rights, and market-enshrined friendship between nations!
USA in the 20s: Okay our biggest problem is we know too much about other countries.
Hmm, not sure if I understand what he’s even trying to say here. Boiling away the smug gives me a vague kind of American exceptionalism where he insists that the rest of the world is just “jealous” of the US. Common belief over there, or so I’ve heard, but I don’t think any other country has been jealous of the US for 20 years at least, maybe longer.
As the western Roman empire was collapsing, various Roman nobles continued on with “business as usual” without really seeing any sort of direct “collapse” in their eyes. There was no real magical event that “ended” the western empire, it just sort of faded away over time. This guy reminds me a lot of that sort of mentality. Insisting things are as they were a generation ago despite all evidence to the contrary. The US as a nation could cease to exist and this guy would still be saying “the economy is doing fine” because the local warlord in the Utah Clique treats him personally quite well.
god’s dumbest soldier
He seriously thinks media from other countries is imported into the US rather than the exact inverse being true? He should try living anywhere else and just see how Americanism is pervasive throughout everything.
Do you see the echo chamber of responses, which unironically place the blame on the working class’ echo chamber? This guy is the personification of The Atlantic.
Funny I just saw an article earlier about chinas economy being bigger than the USA’s so this is particularly funny cope with that in mind lol
Will Standstill
usians are the most propagandized people on earth
Least delusional american
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