Well, once you are an adult…you can make your own decisions on both issues.
Until then I would suggest not doing either.
Great advice!
You can always laser them to get rid of either.
Just ask Anikin
That’s pretty violent
“Just have your friend draw on your arm.”
You again? Buddy, put some pants on already
Works for both
That’s the joke
Yes, that’s what I said
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Depends on the state and access to coat hangers.
Because they grow up and leave the nest 🙃
- Mum xxx
Neither are wives!
Here’s hoping! 🤞
Wife and children aren’t permanent. 🤷🏻♂️
You haven’t been married to crazy I see. Even if you manage to get away, the scars are forever.
Oh but I have. The scars may still be here; but thank fuck she and her demon spawn aren’t.
Can’t fix a tattoo with a shovel and garbage bags.
Well, not with that attitude…
First step, get the blade of the shovel as sharp as possible.
It reminded me of this episode of Happy Tree Friends
Well we can’t get divorced with a tattoo!
Tattoos won’t ask you for child support…
But they can still cause years of irritation…
I’m no tattoo artist or dermatologist, but I feel quite confident stating that If your tattoo causes skin irritation for YEARS, you need to see a better tattoo artist and probably a doctor.
On a serious note there are certainly cases of long term health issues from Tattoos. Most people do seem fine with them through.
Then there is the immune system trying to remove the ink from under the ski unsuccessfully for years. “removing” them with laser doesn’t actually removed *all the ink from under the skin.
There isn’t any *long term studies on the safety of the inks organic or not. People certainly can live with them for their whole lives but that is not to say there isn’t issues from some…
5,000 years of experimentation is not enough! I demand more! slams fist vaguely
Just because something has been rapidly disintegrated using intense artificial light doesnt mean it’s gone! spins in circles gesturing
5000 year of experimentation ain’t worth shit if isn’t written down and organized so the data can be analyzed.
You’ve got 5000 years of anecdotes, which is worth as much as the shit I’m taking right now compared to actual science.
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Using lead in pipes, plates, paint for 1000s of years certainly wasn’t an issue for many and more recently in our history leaded gasoline.
As for tattoos it’s not all rainbows and unicorns as I have younger family members that have developed issues from their tattoos and have looked into removal but decided while visually they do appear mostly to not be visible they are not completely gone from under the skin so they decided there’s no reason to go through with the pain in their case.
I also have senior family members with with tattoos from their youth on their legs and arms that haven’t caused them issues besides having whatever they started out with just look like a hazy blue blobs now so their experiences should be the only ones that count.
It does seem like the latest laser removal technology employed by medical professionals can now eventually remove most of the colors now with less scarring where the initial older lasers struggled with all the colors.
Here is a FDA link to some of the issues for with tattoos for some: https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/think-you-ink-tattoo-safety
This is the link the photo is from: https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/laser-tattoo-removal
This article breaks down the advances, long time lines for removal, and the potential issues of removal that can arise: https://www.glamour.com/story/tattoo-removal-cost-what-is-it-like
But yes like how safe lead is, tattoos it’s all good. Rainbows and unicorns my friends… /s
who downvotes personal experience that provides more thoughtful input than the input above it? wtf
Tattoo removal exists and whether it’s as painful and expensive as a divorce varies 🤷
Also, most tattoos you don’t like can be made into something better by a skilled tattoo artist. I guess that’s kinda sorta the equivalent of couple’s therapy?
Man, Squidward is a catch. Steady job, owns a sizable house, is an artist, musician, and performer.
If i had to choose from the cast, I’d like to be pink octopus so I could woo Squidward 😍