Seeing the other post here about YouTuber that went downhill and seeing content creators I am familiar with makes me sad. But how about those that still makes great, high quality content?
Technology Connections
One of the most informative channels I’ve ever watched. I recommend his dishwasher video, because everybody is doing it wrong.
Always knew those pods sucked for more money. He did convert me to the powder tho
Been on reddit for over a decade, never heard of this channel. On lemmy since a few weeks, I keep reading about him and his dishwasher video at least twice a week.
And yes, I’ve watched it a couple of weeks ago, it is good. I’ll have to watch some of his other videos sometimes
His one about basic style rice makers is fantastic
He’s a big Fediverse guy, too. Very active on Mastodon.
Hi o/
Absolutely love him.
Was going to comment this
Ze best
Overrated and borderline insufferable.
But… dishwasher episode!!
No, it isn’t informative if you’ve ever read the manual to your dishwasher. Dude bought a car then a house and goes around explaining things about them that are clearly explained in owners manuals. He does some interesting videos like the pinball machine or jukebox tear down, but the rest mostly non-substantial filler. Dude needs to stick to electromechanical tear downs.
Tom Scott
Won’t he stop doing videos in like a week?
I think he’s gonna slow down on his main channel, but still upload. He does have a second channel as well. Tbf he’s been doing his thing for 10 years
I remember subscribing to his channel 20 years ago.
And Dan Olson (Folding Ideas)
Dan’s videos have gotten better over time.
I JUST recently found out about his Donkey Kong 64 Nightmare stream and just how much fucking money he raised for charity by torturing himself for 58 hours.
He’s an angel.
CGP Grey
I can’t get enough flag videos
Technology Connections!
Through the power of buying two of them!
Through the power of buying three of them!
He’s my favorite nerd
deleted by creator
Definitely some of the best production value on youtube. Even his stuff from 10+ years ago holds up incredibly well aside from the resolution.
- Some More News (Last Week Tonight-like political commentary)
- AngryTurtle (fallout 76 content)
- videogamedunkey (gaming/humor)
- Yahtzee Croshaw (game reviews/rants)
- Wendover Productions (random interesting education and air travel gameshows)
- Practical Engineering (how the world around you is built)
- Technology Connections (deep dives into engineering everyday gizmos)
- Tom Scott (interesting tech/education)
- RealLifeLore (explains geopolitics)
- Internet Historian (amusing yarns, discussions, and stories)
- LegalEagle (law)
- Kurzgesagt (explains scientific concepts, lots of what if scenarios, animated birds)
- Tasting History with Max Millar (historical cooking in a modern kitchen)
- Let’s Game it Out (dude who breaks games in the most amusing way possible)
- My Name Is Andong (cooking)
- Chef Jean-Pierre (cooking)
- Economics Explained (economics)
- Matthew Berman (explores the latest AI/LLM tech)
Love most of your suggestions but I wouldn’t recommend Internet Historian. Dude is a plagiarist at best and a Nazi at worst.
Can you explain this?
Sure, here it is. As for the plagiarism accusations look no further than the latest Hbomberguy video.
Oof, thank you
It’s great how Some More News is so consistent. I can only think of a few episodes where they seemed to be stretching for content on a topic.
News daddy must gives us our juicy news
If I can add to this list because you listed most people I would mention.
- Calum (videos about interesting topics and crazy one off machines, giant land trains, Antarctic exploring vehicles etc).
- Blondie Hacks (machining but focused on how to do everything and how to learn machining mostly with limited tooling, she is currently building a live stream model loco).
- Aging Wheels (videos about quirky old cars and related projects).
“Well hello there friends!” Chef Jean Pierre makes me so incredibly happy every time I put one of his videos on. His delivery, humorous self-awareness, and sheer passion for cooking never fail to put me in a good mood. Highly recommended!
As a DOS gamer, he’s pretty much me in a more American and charismatic package.
- The Bread Circus
- They go through the Star Wars movies from a book lore perspective, point out flaws in the writing and lore-breaking, and offer suggestions on how the sequels could have been handled differently. They did The Last Jedi, and I really enjoyed it. They also have some cool videos on podracing, ships, and guns.
- Defunctland
- History of Disney rides, takes the culture of the time into consideration, the video on queues is a must-watch, imo.
- Draw Like a Sir
- Really solid drawing tutorials that aren’t very complicated, takes the time to break down high-level concepts into simple exercises. Overall a really fun channel to watch, even if you’re not into drawing.
- Fredrik Knudson
- Long, deep-dive videos into internet history/culture. Rare uploads, but a banger every time.
- James Lee
- Newgrounds-era animator with amazing compositing techniques and a very unique animation style where he inserts himself into his videos as a very animated caricature of himself.
- Lemmino
- Like the History Channel but without the fluff. Cool topics, very nice animations, high production, high-quality content.
- MattKC
- Known for a Lego Island decompilation project. Also does retro console repair from time to time — very fun watch.
- Paper Will
- Rare uploads. but interesting video essay topics. High quality and a nice watch during lunch.
- Pecos Hank
- A storm chaser who is Reed Timmer’s ying to his yang. Very chill, documentary-quality footage featuring himself playing guitar and talking about the beauty and power of nature. You’ve probably seen his footage on the Weather Channel!
- Technology Connections
- Great deep dives into random technology, old and new. The video on the popcorn button on microwaves is really good (I think that may be on his second channel?)
Technology Connections
“It’s november, so that means no effort videos all month.” proceeds to make high effort video
- The Bread Circus
Primitive Technology
Low volume (not even 1 video a month), high quality, highly entertaining.
Beware of the copycats, though.
Always turn on captions, he narrates in text.
Whaaaat! I had no idea. This is blowing my mind. I’ve watched this guy’s channel for years and didn’t know about this.
We have all, at one point, been you and gone back and rewatched every single one now with captions. It just hits later for some. They’re still good though.
I cannot believe I had to scroll so far down here to find this. It’s a channel so good he created a freaking genre! And plus, almost no one else does what he does legit. At least a lot of the bushcraft ones show when they use tools, but I’ve seen videos with 8 million views showing hand tools and harvesting wood, then boom, suddenly there’s dimensional lumber in the shot. Drives me wild when people fake it, but the OG never does, since he started the whole project for fun and fell backwards into money.
Primative Technology. A dude out in the bush building houses and tools out of mud, sticks, and rocks without speaking a word.
I’m a fan of him.
Do you watch How To Make Everything?
I know there are several similar channels so maybe I’m mixed up, but wasn’t this the one where they found out the guy was using machinery to create his projects off camera and claiming it was all done by hand?
Nope. This guy is the real deal. Nothing he does is large scale or unbelievable. If you turn on captions he walks you through what his thought process is/what he is doing. Very enjoyable.
He is legit.
The most popular fake primitive building channels are obviously fake if you have even a little bit of critical thinking. They usually pretend to build some preposterously sized waterparks and other complex structures that are obviously above the scale of two guys with hand tools.
Nah, this is the guy that basically spawned the entire “genre”. He’s legit as can get.
Tom Scott. Only gotten better with time.
Makes great visual math videos. Without him I would have never studied electronics.
Also wrote open source software to generate those fantastic visualizations. It has been forked and is maintained, and it has therefore influenced the whole genre positively.
On the topic, Brady Haran’s channels are also putting out great educational content.
Damn, I was going to post this list, you beat me to it though.
I love that whole maths group, Brady Haran, Matt Parker, Hannah Fry, James Grimes, Ben Sparks, Ayliean MacDonald… (and so many more.)
As soon as I get a notification that a new Numberphile video drops, I’m watching it ASAP.
Without him I’d have failed linear algebra
Practical Engineering - in depth presentations of civil engineering feats, concepts, problems, solutions
Joe Scott - just simple, entertaining discussions of interesting topics
Philosophy Tube - longer format, intensely well-cited presentations on philosophy related to current events (with theatrical costumes!)
Ryan Hall - who knew that a weather forecast could be so fun? Regularly updated weather forecasts for the entire United States with detailed coverage and livestreams of events like tornado outbreaks, hurricanes, and large snowstorms. With charity drives to provide supplies to people on the ground
PBS Spacetime, PBS Eons, all the PBS channels really
Plainly Difficult - consistent quality, often hilarious presentations of various disasters. I particularly like his entire series on radiological accidents, often involving lost radioactive sources that random members of the public stumble onto, which is terrifying.
Did you see spin off Practical Construction yet? That’s next level production, my wife laughed at me waiting for next ep like it’s GoT or something.
Also do you notice that YT never pushes PBS videos? I’m subscribed but always have to go to channel.
Since you like a lot of same as me: check out Climate Town.
Consumer Tech: mkbhd, LTT, MrMobile, Dave2D, JerryRigEverything, UrAvgConsumer, GamersNexus
Geeky Tech: TechnoTim, ServeTheHome, Explaining Computers, Level1Techs, Jeff Geerling, , Low Spec Gamer, Modern Vintage Gamer, Wolfgangs Channel, Network Chuck, Project Farm, Tech Rules
Smart Home: Everything Smart Home, The Hook Up, Smart Home Solver, Paul Hibbert, Reed’s Smart Home, NotEnoughTech
Popular science: Veritasium, Kurzgesagt, Smarter Every Day, Hank Green
Science: Cleo Abram, Physics Girl, Nile Red/Blue, Computerphile, NumberPhile, Minutephysics, The SciShow, PeriodicVideos, Sixty Symbols, Scott Manley, The Action Lab, 3blue1brown, Kyle Hill, Steve Mould, Fermilab, PBS Space Time
Engineering: Practical Engineering, B1M, Coby Explanes, engineerguy, Technical Connections, Simone Giertz
Entertainment with some science/engineering sparkled in: Colin furze, Mark Robert, Slow Mo Guys, Johnny Harris, TheBackyardScientist
Entertainment: CGP Grey, Tom Scott, Max Fosh, Lockpicking Lawyer, Legal Eagle, Kitboga, Not Just Bikes, Cheddar
Docutainment: Cold Fusion, Wendover Productions/Half as Interesting, Anything with Simon Whistler (Megaprojects, etc)
Programming: Fireship, The Primeagen, Tech world with Nana, freCodeCamp, Ben Eater, Jake Wright, Dreams of Code, mCoding
Electronics: Andreas Spiess, GreatScott!, Tall Paul Tech, EEV
Chess: Anna Cramling, Gotham Chess, Hikaru
Cars: Carwow, Out of Spec Reviews, TeslaBjorn, Throttle House, Engineering Explained, autoTrader, Donut, Hagerty, RSEV
Travel: HONEST GUIDE (the Prague guy), Pack Hacker, SV Delos, Tim Traveller, Trek Trendy
History: the fat electrician, historigraph, history matters,
Woodworking: Shaun Boyd, Blacktail Studio, Foureyes furniture
Late Night: Colbert, Meyers, Kimmel, Daily Show, Last Week Tonight
Russia/Ukraine: LazerPig, 1420 (Daniil Orain), Perun (edited to add)
If you speak German: HausbauHelden, FelixBa, Lohnt sich das, Finanzfluss, Next Move, Autogefühl, Smarthome yourself, Jonas Winkler, Held der Steine