Soviet communism is bad because it’s just red fascism not real socialism. Real socialists however should ally themselves with fascists.
“former” alt-right. He just became better at hiding his fascism.
Middle panel is unironically the argument OUN Banderite scum would have made about collaborating with the Nazis
adam dumbthing
Adam Nothing Gottem.
Okay Adam, you’re gonna shoot them in the back the second this is over though right?
Surely you would purge this newly politically and militarily empowered nazi faction in your country, right?
As we all know from history the correct leftist position for the Great War was critical support for German war credits in order to fight British, French, and Russian imperialism
Someone on here was pretty angry at me during the initial Adam Something drama because I said his “”“former”“” fascism wasn’t so former. :marx-goth:
didn’t know that about adam something but I was always sus of caleb of “Faraday Speaks”
“How about side-by-side with the guy who’ll kill you the moment this is over”
“Ay— wait”
Nazis admit that Nazis are Nazis challenge (impossible)