A report says “fuel” for EVs cost more than gasoline. Was it prepared by a bunch of orangutans sitting in front of computers? No, it was done by Anderson Economic Group.

  • spongebue@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    A few things:

    1. Having one large power plant runs much more efficiently than a whole bunch of tiny engines

    2. Gasoline comes from oil. Electricity comes from oil. Or coal. Or gas… But also solar. Or hydro. Or wind. Or nuclear. Isn’t it nice not to have all eggs in one basket that has a 100% chance of pollution?

    3. Nobody is seriously claiming that there isn’t pollution happening behind the scenes. But it’s an improvement when you consider the above points. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good (or at least better)

    So on that note, what’s your solution to emission-free transportation?