Our owner class here would, with their own two hands, slowly feed children into a wood chipper feet-first if it meant making a single penny. Most of the country can’t pay attention, they’re scrambling 24/7 to merely survive each day. The few who find a ledge to cling onto turn around and see the billionaires and the chippers, and instead of being disgusted, most start cheering it on because they’ve been lied to their whole lives. They’ve been told there is only enough ledge for them alone, and if more people “make it”, they’ll fall back down and be ripped apart. So they cheer and guide the travesties to secure their pittance, without ever looking up to see how much empty space there is.
The conservatives are being clever. They’ve passed laws banning abortion, forcing women to birth unwanted children who can be forced to provide their labour at lower rates to increase the profit margins of Republican donors.
And we thought they were banning abortions because “every child deserves to live”. They aren’t pro-life, they’re pro-child labour and were simply ensuring their donors don’t face a labour shortage.
They’re making life for the poors as adventurous & short-lived as a character in a video game. Survived school shootings? Good, now survive being child labour with lax EPA laws. Survived that? Now try to survive on a min. paying job that won’t pay your rent, so hello multiple low-wage jobs. Btw, no birth control or sex-ed for you, so that when you die early due to lack of affordable medical care, your children can take your place in the treadmill. Can’t let the shareholders down.
WTF is the US doing to its children?
Our owner class here would, with their own two hands, slowly feed children into a wood chipper feet-first if it meant making a single penny. Most of the country can’t pay attention, they’re scrambling 24/7 to merely survive each day. The few who find a ledge to cling onto turn around and see the billionaires and the chippers, and instead of being disgusted, most start cheering it on because they’ve been lied to their whole lives. They’ve been told there is only enough ledge for them alone, and if more people “make it”, they’ll fall back down and be ripped apart. So they cheer and guide the travesties to secure their pittance, without ever looking up to see how much empty space there is.
Feeding them to the machine that is Late Stage Capitalism. nom nom nom.
Maybe that’s the “protecting” they conservatives are screaming about.
The conservatives are being clever. They’ve passed laws banning abortion, forcing women to birth unwanted children who can be forced to provide their labour at lower rates to increase the profit margins of Republican donors.
And we thought they were banning abortions because “every child deserves to live”. They aren’t pro-life, they’re pro-child labour and were simply ensuring their donors don’t face a labour shortage.
It’s the only way to keep “dem illegals” out and still maintain an underprivileged work force.
At least they were finally thinking about the future for once. /s
They’re making life for the poors as adventurous & short-lived as a character in a video game. Survived school shootings? Good, now survive being child labour with lax EPA laws. Survived that? Now try to survive on a min. paying job that won’t pay your rent, so hello multiple low-wage jobs. Btw, no birth control or sex-ed for you, so that when you die early due to lack of affordable medical care, your children can take your place in the treadmill. Can’t let the shareholders down.
This shit is too depressing for words.
Gotta crush those little spirits early.
having them make your clothes and cell phones…
They pivot from child labour to child soldiers.