This is directed at nobody in particular. I know this is a rough time of year for a lot of people and just to remind everyone to think of the person on the other end of the line. We’re almost through it, the light is coming back, the Holidays ™ are over and we made it through another horribly fucked up year. On behalf of the hexbear mods we love you all and we want to keep this place being as cool as it is.
Also want to take the time to acknowledge some of our most consistently wholesome posters like and I honestly don’t know how yall keep it up and I salute you.
I could list many others but they are the two that first popped into my head and I wanted to get this post out there sooner than later.
I’m fairly new here, but you guys are super cool and the site has been a good outlet for me recently. Whether it’s shitposting or honest conversation, it’s great to being around like-minded people who can find humor in the things that most people would question my sanity over and value in the ideals that most people do question my sanity over.
For the last couple weeks of 2023, hexbear has been one of the first places I navigate to when I start my morning doom scroll, and hopefully 2024 is more of the same.
find humor in the things that most people would question my sanity over
So much this. Just so much
I feel like i’m speaking another language when i start using hexbear humor irl
like i make Nasser jokes, nobody here knows who the fuck Nasser even is
Relatablemaxxing and frustrationpilled.
People these days don’t even know about the Suez crisis!
welcome, glad you are here
If you’re mad or have been feeling on edge lately, just remember:
An absurdly hilarious election season is now less than 12 months away. Yes, we shit on electoralism, but boy oh boy do we love the slop and the truck is just pulling up to our gate.
We may have sharpened our iron recently against each other. We may have acted a little skittish. But the new dawn approaches rapidly. We are ready to enjoy it.
If you haven’t been appreciating your comrades, or haven’t been feeling appreciated, just know that you are about to be flooded with appreciation and content to appreciate.
[end of cringepost]
ok i pull up
GOOD post
I will deep fry my enemies, adversaries, and foes.
in canola oil, right?
it’s corny but i sincerely consider those of you i see posting on here my comrades. i want something better for all of us.
Not corny. The right, especially Dems and Republicans in the States suffer from a sever case of individualism to the point that it’s revered as part of our culture. It’s gross. Seeing random strangers show communal values across the Internet to and with perfect strangers gives me hope. The fact that a lot of comrades here and on lemmygrad and in the lefty spaces on reddit have espoused and actively done organizing and agitating makes me even more hopeful.
I still have a prominent doomer gene in me but still lol.
Makes me think about folks back in the day mailing letters to each other all the time across the face of the planet. Just keeping up years of correspondence with people they never got to see face to face.
Supposedly some cities in like 19th century England had mail service three times a day, people were sending so many letters and notes back and forth. Truly, they were posters o7
“I never thought I’d post side-by-side with a Posadist.”
“How about side-by-side with a comrade?”
“Aye. I could do that.”
How about side-by-side with an anarchist.
Never stop posting and never stop caring. These are the pillars of hexbear.
Well, those and
PPB holds up half the sky
the more genders there are the less sky we each have to hold up
I have become enlightened
love yourself and everyone around you Hope you have a good acceptance speech prepared for the highest honor this lovely disfunctional family can bestow.
Never stop posting you beautiful bastards.
Comrades, Hexbears, and friends - I cannot imagine hanging out so much on any other social media site. You all consistently never cease to make me laugh, and I love being surrounded by likeminded leftists. I have learned many valuable things here, theory and otherwise, and it has helped shaped part of who I am. Cheers to all of you - you are loved, you are excellent comrades, and you are top tier posters.
Above all else - pee pee, and sometimes, doo doo
vomits up a mouse skeleton
Removed by mod
This place has been a really welcoming online space. I am really glad to have found everyone here.
It really is the last bastion of my mental health lol
I keep being amazed at how compassionate, how intelligent, how accepting, how well-informed and how funny all of my Hexbear comrades are. You are all truly awesome and amazing and you all make Hexbear the nicest community I’ve ever experienced on the internet.
I don’t know what I’ve done and I blame you for it
You know wat you did. (That being a cool and good person)
Is this about the oil smokepoints?
Aaaaaaand there’s all the traumatic memories of working tech support coming flooding back.
Oh god, and I feel pretty privileged in that my clients were all at university and apparently smart people. Genpop would have been wild
This is a friendly reminder that I love you all and you have all made my life slightly better for existing.
thanks dirtowl, you’re fuckin awesome too
Love you dirtowl
Anybody who posts here regularly and has been here for awhile should be assumed to be in good faith and not someone you should be calling stupid or trying to other. Were at different stages in our journey in different areas and that should be respected. Slapfighting reddit/facebook style is reactionary we can come to understandings.
That being said its also okay to find yourself in that territory, try to get out asap bcos everyone here is good people
Yeah and as I said this post was at myself too. Glad I didn’t run you off by being an asshole the other day it was a pretty bad week for me.
i have a terrible habit of only posting when i’m at peak pique so consider this my formal apology for being a huge bitch all the time
i’ll try to treat you all better in the future
Homie, you’re great
You’re awesome tho
You are thoughtful and well-measured, and the only time you were even remotely sharp with me, I 100% deserved it.
This is one of the last spaces I hang out in that feels like the internet did when I was younger.