Tech workers react to UPS drivers landing a $170,000 a year package with a mixture of anger and admiration::Some tech workers questioned whether UPS drivers deserved high pay — others jumped in to note the importance of the jobs and harsh working conditions.
Fuck off with this class war baiting bullshit
Tech workers need to ask themselves why their boss makes more than them for doing nothing
There’s no way any substantial amount of tech workers are concerned about what UPS workers are making. These kinds of articles are rage bait targeted at “low skill” workers to make them furious at what they perceive to be high salary earners complaining about “blue collar” workers earning more money.
All of this bullshit is a distraction from the fact that the middle class is shrinking at a massive rate and the lower class is being turned against itself so nobody can rightfully blame the rich.
Fuck this article and the hatred it’s designed to generate. This is all bullshit.
“Wait, it’s all bullshit?” points gun “Always has been”
It’s Business Insider. What do you expect?
Tech worker here. I’m gd pleased to bits for anyone making a decent income. Congrats UPS drivers. Do teachers next!
As one of the tech workers: fuck yeah, good for them for negotiating well, and getting what they’re owed.
This is also why most jobs should be unionized
Maybe. I know shipping things via UPS is about to get a lot more expensive, and maybe it should be.
Yeah, if shipping gets more expensive that means that shipping was cheap because of exploitation of people. I don’t know about anyone else, I personally wouldn’t want that.
Exactly. This logic can also be applied to fast food, hard labor, etc…
Ah. The anti-union propaganda has begun to stop the tech industry from unionizing, lol.
They are scared they will and with good reason. A strong union will level the playing field.
They don’t have to worry too much about us tech workers unionizing because the tech world is full of more introverts on average than other (especially blue collar) fields. And a lot of us are constantly scared of getting fired or replaced.
So many of us still believe the lie that our individual hard work will be rewarded.
It’s going to be a while.
I was fantasizing a bit about becoming wealthy enough to stop working, and it occurred to me that the actual best thing to do if I’m ever in that position would be to start talking with my coworkers about unionizing. Then maybe even get fired for it and sue for more money. Money I’d probably plow back into unionizing tech workers.
I like your way o thinking
“This is disappointing, how is possible that a driver makes much more than average Engineer in R&D?”
Because the engineer is being exploited and refuses to unionize.
“To get a base salary of $170k you know you need to work hard as an Engineer, this sucks.”
Bitch, UPS workers work harder than I ever did as an electronics engineer.
“To get a base salary of $170k you know you need to work hard as an Engineer, this sucks.”
Bitch, UPS workers work harder than I ever did as an electronics engineer.
If he wants the $170k so badly, he should go get a job as a driver then.
“To get a base salary of $170k you know you need to work hard as an Engineer, this sucks.”
As someone who has worked as a UPS driver and now as a software developer, I can say that the UPS drivers definitely work harder than your average engineer.
That quote is also deftly ignoring the fact that you’re generally paid for the value you generate, not how hard to you work.
Generally you’re paid the least they can get away with (with some variance in what they think that is).
It generally requires a union to get paid closer to the value you generate.
Fucking truth, especially for software engineers. I spent most of today debating whether to use
for some project that’s probably just going to get mothballed anyway.I mean I know my worth, but I definitely don’t work even 1/23rd as hard as even the laziest delivery driver imaginable. Even pretending to be a delivery driver is more work than my actual job.
I’m starting to think people should be forced to have at least 1 year of experience in a, so called, blue-collar job before they are allowed to have an office job.
As a tech worker, good for them. Why would I be opposed to someone else getting paid more, especially if they’re being paid by a private company whose services I enjoy?
My guess the naysayers are toxic tech bros. There are some really toxic tech bros. More accurate, there are some really toxic people in tech only as a means to a high salary.
Same reason straight people are opposed to gay marriage? Who the fuck knows
Blind is a tech bro incel cesspool sometimes.
Wow good for UPS workers. As a tech worker I can say I’m genuinely happy for them. They have a hard ass job. A win for labor is a win for labor, regardless of which type.
And it’s not like their win is our loss. Why would we fight amongst ourselves? It’s the ultra-rich we should be sizing up.
If we divide, we’ll be conquered. That wisom is at least two thousand years old by now. Better to unite and defy.
Exactly. This shouldn’t give anyone any feelings besides, “wow, I need to organize workers in my field too.” Full stop.
These people are no different than the ones who were pissed that “burger flippers” were trying to make $15/hr minimum. Like…mind your own business—and by that I mean, right your business because you’re underpaid too.
tech workers: i’m underpaid and everyone else should be too!
fucking unionize already. tired of this crabs-in-a-bucket mentality
I think people just don’t realize how underpaid they are. They think that because they make six figures, that means they’re getting paid what they’re worth.
Actually what people don’t realize is what the above poster means between the lines, this is an article by big corp to make the general public angry at unionized organizations.
Bingo. A greedy neoliberal company putting out articles to help greedy neoliberals companies.
They might tolerate competition and superficial disagreements, but the moment something is a threat to profits they have incredible class solidarity.
Companies are not liberal or conservative… They are all capitalist.
They all push neoliberalism because it’s constant failure to deliver on it’s promises makes them rich.
If you were paid what you were worth the company wouldn’t make any money.
Corporations exist by the excess value of their workers’ labor, by definition.
Eh that’s a paradox though. If the company makes no money, there’s no job for you in the first place making you worth nothing.
No you are misunderstanding the roles of labor and capital. If I withhold my labor, then the owners have nothing to sell. If they withhold pay to me, I go to another company with my labor. Capital cannot create value, only labor can.
You can go to another company, but they too wouldn’t exist if they didn’t make money.
It’s not a paradox. The money the company makes is profit. Profit is what’s left of revenue after costs are subtracted. People’s pay is a cost.
Some tech workers. This is just a stupid ragebait piece.
They’re quoting Blind users though, Blind is a cesspool of silicon Valley tech bros. It’s often just a dick measuring contest between FAANG workers about who makes more money.
Pushing tens of pounds around in the heat everyday is hard, expecially inside a van without AC.
Let’s just hope tech workers will be smart enough to unionize and organize like the UPS Chads did.
It’s a good objective, but it would take a lot to make it happen. It’s significantly more challenging for tech workers to effectively unionize en masse for several reasons:
Tech isn’t monopsonistic, or even close to it; there isn’t a single large employer… even the biggest tech companies employ only a relatively small fraction of the tech workforce. That means separate unionization efforts at thousands of big companies, not at one.
Tech job functions are much more widely varied than “delivery driver”; job responsibilities differ greatly, complexity and education requirements differ greatly, workplace expectations differ greatly … think of the difference between help desk, front end dev, network security engineering, data science and DBA. Collective bargaining is harder the more varied the needs of the collective are.
Job mobility is really high in the tech sector … in other words, tech employees (by and large) have access to many prospective employers (especially with the prevalence of remote work), and tech employers to a wide geographic pool of talent. That means if your San Francisco office seems on the path to unionization, you can shift work to your Chennai office.
It also means that, when the working conditions at a tech company suck, a lot of tech workers can easily jump ship. It’s hard to get a union going when your voters can easily quit and go work someplace nicer, rather than take the more difficult path of staying and trying to force your employer to improve.
Again, I think highly of unions and would really like to see more effective unionization efforts in tech – I just want folks to go into it eyes wide open and intelligently, vs throwing up their hands and saying, “Why don’t tech workers unionize?”
Yea i understand, for reference my father works and worked his whole life in IT, my grandma worked as union rep and I’m interested in both worlds, I get that the struggle is real, the sector is young. Even just 30 years ago there was no IT market, for reference the transport industry is as old as time and yet this historic contract was won in 2023 AD, we just gotta push and organize.
I see we are trying to sow some tension between working class people here eh?
As a tech worker, I do almost jack shit and make deep into the six figures. Honestly, I’d be fine if UPS drivers made more than me, good on them.
Frankly, in terms of total compensation, pay them more.
Whenever I see a delivery driver or pole worker or whatever, especially on a shitty day, from the window of my cozy home office, the same thought crosses my mind
I have a pro-driver pro-union UPS placard in my window and a “Unionize Amazon” sticker on my hoodie. I’m happy for UPS workers. They fought and won a much better contract. It’s genuinely exciting that there’s so much positive union activity in the USA right now.
It’s because people are realizing it works. Like airline attendants are on the picket line with the actors and the writers now. A win for any of them is a win for all of us. Power to the people baby
We had decades of low union activity that gave corporations the chance to show how well they would take care of us on their own.
And they super fucked entire generations of workers.
Now people must unionize, or their dirt salaries will lose them their rented homes and starve their kids. So we’re seeing a blossoming of union activity in many sectors.
It’s time for workers to have a tiny slice of those mega-profits corporations have been earning off our backs.
Unionize America!
Some tech workers on social media
This isn’t fucking news! Enough of this dumb ragebait bullshit.
Omg you wouldn’t believe, someone on the internet was an asshole!
It’s a tactic to pit us against each other rather then the proper people running to the bank.
Well shit, if you look at the top comments in this thread it’s absolutely working
Come on, business insider and “some tech workers”…
The idea is that unions can secure higher wages to show you it can be done. Now both union and non-union drivers can reference UPS for a salary “that reflects increasing industry averages”.
Software techbros, if you think you’re worth more than UPS drivers, tell your boss. If you think your boss is gonna dismiss you, then get all your co-workers who think you’re worth more than 170k then get your boss to hear you out as a group. Did I hear, “you nyan eyes”?
I mean techbro pay is often way past that. Total yearly comp in the 400+. It’s just all in RSU.
A UPS driving job is a hell of a lot more difficult and tiring than most tech jobs. It might take less skill, but tech workers don’t have to be out in the heat or freezing cold all day carrying heavy loads and dealing with angry people who blame them for a late package or, worse, get shot at for the crime of being in the neighborhood while black.
Driving quickly but safely with an oversized vehicle is a skill.
Preparing so you can survive on the road for an entire day, is a skill.
Delivering loads of items on a tight schedule, despite all the shit that life is going to throw at you (accidents, roadworks, dog attacks, etc) is a skill.
Can we stop with this “low skill” bullshit? Most white-collar workers wouldn’t last a week in one of these jobs. The low/high skill classification is just a way for the managerial classes to justify their outsized
profiteeringremuneration.This is true. Hence why garbage men are paid quite a lot. Low skill but a very difficult job.

We all do better when we all do better.
As someone who has only worked freight in an air-conditioned warehouse, moving boxes is not easy work and not many people will be able to do it their whole careers. I’m personally glad I argue with computers for my job now and I have much respect for those lifting things in the elements.
“A rising tide lifts all boats” is something Republicans say is impossible because God wouldn’t let the liberal commie boats rise with the patriot boats.
“A rising tide lifts all boats” is something Republicans say is impossible because God wouldn’t let the
liberal commie boatspeasant fishing rowboats rise with thepatriot boatsyachts.