It’s the Voice of America rule. If a report quotes an anonymous Cuban dissident, who’s now a millionaire libertarian activist, that “the regime” shoots all free speech advocates, it happened.
People are such cowards and idiots. Yeah I don’t really care if the houthis have done some bad shit. (I’m not saying they have) Right now, they’re fighting against the genocide in Palestine at the cost of their own lives. That’s brave and noble behavior. Palestine can’t pay them back and all it’s done so far is make them the target of great Satan again. Death to America and death to the moralist dogs who lap up the state department water to spit in each other’s mouths
I haven’t been keeping tabs on these clowns, but wasn’t
supportive of the Palestinian side? Or is that just him and not his lib audience?
He is but he’s also supporting the US bombing Yemen cuz “muh civilian ships, protect international trade”.
Honestly I suspect him being pro-Palestine was just a limited hangout his handlers allowed so he wouldn’t lose leftist cred.
His handlers are The Market and the Store(m)front Of wiki-Ideology offered to the imperialcoretariat.
Stealing this, thanks
protect international trade
is he done pretending to be a “socialist”?
He is celebrating how the US “completely demolished” the Houthis in one night because it owns the tankies or whatever. It shows just how shallow this shit is to him, he would rather own the tankies than anyone do something material to help the people he supposedly also supports.
And then he and his fans grasped onto Saudi propaganda to justify why it was right to bomb Yemen.
If Vaush had decided to be consistent in his support here, his base would have followed him. Thats what really pisses me off.
It’s the debatebro train of thought. “Only my sources make sense, yours are all tankie lies”
This is literally the first time I’ve ever seen someone say this.
I think this is the source of the claim. I have no doubt that a lot of human trafficking happens in Yemen (that tends to be the case when there’s a civil war, bombing from a larger country, and a lot of refugees) but it’s reaching quite a bit to lay that all at the feet of the Houthis and claim that they’re bringing slavery back.
First off, it’s a Saudi-backed newspaper, second, it’s hearsay after hearsay (Eg. A told me that B did this evil thing, even though I didn’t witness what A ‘saw’)
but it’s reaching quite a bit to lay that all at the feet of the Houthis and claim that they’re bringing slavery back.
Yeah, after what the Saudis have done to Yemen, I’m pretty sure they want a post-hoc explanation to the marde…
It’s ironic coming from Saudi Arabia considering almost all households there have a maid
These are the same people telling you not to support BLM because of Asian hate crimes and homophobia.
Wait wait wait, does Vaush not support BLM?
Nah I’m pretty sure he virtue signals about it. Vaushites are somehow even more liberal than he is and yeah I have seen them saying that the riots were bad and black people are just as bad.
“Yemen has bad women rights” My friend, you literally wanted that, they had actual rights in South Yemen
Hilarious how that keeps happening. The west destroys socialist experiments that actually provide rights to minorities, and then acts all surprised when the reactionary garbage they put in charge oppress minority groups as well as socialists.
Huh, it’s the same thing religious people used to say to atheists when they pointed out that the Bible isn’t a good source. Incidentally, the response “fantastic claims require fantastic evidence” is still relevant here.
That’s not just the standard Vaushite. That’s any American when I explain how October 7th didn’t pop out from nowhere. It’s rarely worth citing your sources, as the bogstandard liberal refuses to read anyway.
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