A prominent /c/Risa shitposter accused the mods of transphobia, loudly quit Risa and started their own meme community (and later deleted the comments after any evidence of transphobia failed to materialize).
Around the same time, a Risa mod removed some particularly low-effort posts despite Risa having “no rules”, which upset some users and so they fled to the other guys’ meme community.
Now there are two Star Trek themed meme communities.
Stamets. He actually banned me from the new place after posting a dumb meme he just didn’t like (said I was “ban evading”). Did not know about him crying transphobia but it doesn’t surprise me, the person has a serious temper issue.
EDIT I forgot he also retroactively removed two AI shitposts posts I made after writing a rule about it (yet didnt remove his own)
Key strengths of Lemmy
Wait the trekies are fighting? i’ll light a candle
Risa had some mod issues, Tenforward was created. The people who actually post have basically all moved to Tenforward, it’s not really a war.
Lemmy has a large World of Tanks game community
Don’t ask. 🤦
Why are tankies a key strength? Or do you mean purely for entertainment value?
Tankies are a strength?
Computer, can you expand on the last point please
A prominent /c/Risa shitposter accused the mods of transphobia, loudly quit Risa and started their own meme community (and later deleted the comments after any evidence of transphobia failed to materialize).
Around the same time, a Risa mod removed some particularly low-effort posts despite Risa having “no rules”, which upset some users and so they fled to the other guys’ meme community.
Now there are two Star Trek themed meme communities.
I read this in Majel Barret’s voice and you can’t take that away from me
This isn’t reddit, you can name names.
Stamets. He actually banned me from the new place after posting a dumb meme he just didn’t like (said I was “ban evading”). Did not know about him crying transphobia but it doesn’t surprise me, the person has a serious temper issue.
EDIT I forgot he also retroactively removed two AI shitposts posts I made after writing a rule about it (yet didnt remove his own)
Thought so. I have had my own run in with him.
deleted by creator
In light of the current drama, could you maybe elaborate on your run in, and repeat what the deleted reply by stamets was?
THE prominent shitposter
Are you worried about being banned if you name him?
just blocked the only risa mod there is