Not sure what’s going on here. But it’s the only app listed that is constantly using a sensor.
Are you sure that the data reported by the app is accurate¿?
No it’s not and most people don’t know how to read the results anyway.
I’m guessing it uses it to work out the orientation of the app (portrait, landscape) can you disable rotation in either the app or android system settings.
Might not be the fix you want but hopefully will reduce the battery usage.
My phone is always portrait locked. Incase it wasn’t obvious the phone was mostly unused for this on the table. Only about 30-45mins was active use of voyager.
Will look in voyager settings for rotation though.
I’m guessing it uses that to sense rotation.
Accelerometers are not usually a major power drain.
My phone is portrait locked though. So it shouldn’t be sensing anything.
Especially if it’s on the counter not moving.
The app supports rotation and is checking the sensor.
The app shouldn’t be polling the sensor when rotation is disabled, because rotation will never be required when the setting is disabled.
I can reword this a few ways to help you comprehend it if necessary. Maybe in a different language?
I would have thought that this is up to the OS.
Report it on the Github. Also, can you disable the motion permission in the OS settings? I’m not an Android user, so I’m not familiar.
can you disable the motion permission in the OS settings?
Under AOSP and most customs OSes, no. It’s not a standard, exposed permission. GrapheneOS does have a toggle for it, though, and I’ve found most apps don’t need sensors.
Sensors permission toggle: disallow access to all other sensors not covered by existing Android permissions (Camera, Microphone, Body Sensors, Activity Recognition) including an accelerometer, gyroscope, compass, barometer, thermometer and any other sensors present on a given device.
Does it have a “rage shake” bug report feature?
Lol. Not sure if this is serious or not. I hope it does!
That’s actual feature on some apps
This would explain the battery drain I experience… Which battery app is that?
Gsam. I’ve not really used it before, but have used others.
Idk. Its a pretty popular battery app. I can only assume.
Could it be related to haptics? No idea whether the sensor uses that at all.