When a top local businessman and his two bumbling nephews try to shut down the town’s only video arcade, arcade employees and patrons fight back.
Two of the stars are Leif Green and Greenleaf.
This movie is so bad I couldn’t even finish the trailer.
Watched on Pluto TV with 8 commercial breaks.
Patsy has a great SOCAL accent.
Van Jacuzzi!!!
Pac-Man film transition
1:13:10 mins - Dofus’ wet ass explosive gas turns on some old lady.
Boobs 4 mins 17 mins 18:50 mins 57:40 mins 1:12:15 mins 1:7:20 mins (poster boobs) 1:8:20 mins (flashback boobs)
Rating - C+ Needs more boobs
From the director of Without Warning and that mutant cat movie.
You guys watch Joe Don Baker movies?
Watch in a double feature with Arcade.
Totally. Awesome. Video gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa