We should try student loans again. I’m sure that $3 dollars would be great. But people are drowning in student loan debt while we fund foreign wars.
There was an article the other day about him trying to get more forgiveness for borrowers under 12k in debt. Unfortunately, his opposition are a bunch of cunts and care more about “winning” than they do helping the people they were elected to represent.
Oh no, they care tons about helping the people they represent.
The people they actually represent are the ones handing out these loans.
Biden has continued to work on student debt with smaller successes after being blocked by the Supreme Court.
He should try harder then. We’ve had all of congress before, both chambers, and the presidency, and they haven’t done jack shit.
They didn’t do jack shit the last time they held both chambers and the presidency? You sure? They didn’t use those 2 MONTHS to pass the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act? The largest healthcare overhaul in a generation? That bill that conservatives fought tooth and nail to water down and make worse?
We elect conservatives who’s sole mission is to block the Democrats from improving anything and then blame the Democrats for not being able to get enough done. It’s fucking maddening. Just. Stop. Electing. Conservatives.
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Seriously! While I understand the challenges of when you get hit with an unexpected overdraft and the fee snowball. But I think forgiving huge debts of people with the skills to benefit the economy would be more effective than forcing banks to forgive overdrafts.
Great, there goes the economy! /s
how about minimum fucking wage God dammit!
That’s a congress + executive issue.
Congress must pass a bill which the President signs into law in order for the minimum wage to go up.