The comments read like boomers whining about political correctness on facebook
Everyone of these people needs to be forced to read about the history of their forefathers who similarly threw out intersectionality and how they were all crushed by capital.
These people worry so much about “dividing the working class” and the irony is they already have by not having true solidarity with their bipoc comrades.
Any utilization of bipoc people under these stupidpol types is strategic for their own gain and they will toss them aside and tell them to wait their turn when they get their petty bourgeois privileges back.
The only way to truly overcome oppression is standing together in true alliance bringing the marginalized and under privileged to be on equal footing with white people. Otherwise we’re doing the dividing for capital ourselves so they can conquer us later.
I am beeeeegging these people to read settlers and see where this thinking ends up.
Funny how every political sub that’s tolerant of hardline conservative quickly becomes a cesspool of white supremacy.
Wow, you’re not joking… The comments are reaaaaally bad. Someone is genuinely concerned about white genocide. I replied to one of these people, let’s see where this goes…
Someone is genuinely concerned about white genocide.
I’m genuinely concerned about white genocide.
Is it happening? Why isn’t it happening quicker?
I joked about it once and some aussie nazi got upset and started telling me I hate white people, I told him I am literally white so he replied “no you’re not, you’re Greek” and I’m like, bruh.
Hitler himself was allegedly incredibly annoyed that archeology shows the Greeks and Romans building great civilizations while “Aryan” Germans were squatting in mud huts.
You gotta hear Greek chuds ranting about how when “we” were building the Parthenon the Germans/Europeans in general were eating acorns on trees. It’s always about acorns and trees for some reason.
Do… do Greek chuds think that Germans are descendants of squirrels?
The /r/aznidentity thread is somehow even worse:
That sub always teetered on the brink of being a reactionary shithole but has plunged right off the edge recently. This is what happens when people fail around wildly at the closest target instead of applying revolutionary theory and analysis.
White supremacy, the biggest boogie man in modern American history.
Damn right.
The “white supremacists” had complete control of the senate building earlier this year.
Did they hunt down and kill politicians around Washington?
Did they burn down small businesses en masse the way we’ve seen rioters in other cities do every time a “protest” occurs?
Did they establish a new, more racister constitution and declare a new republic?
Were any statues toppled in the building?
cool, they rather side with fascists over there apparently than accepting white supremacy is even a thing
Did they burn down small businesses en masse the way we’ve seen rioters in other cities do every time a “protest” occurs?
Love too be a “leftist” and understand the class character of fascism
They bludgeoned a cop to death with a flag pole. Weird how that bit just slipped the author’s mind.
I warned them three years ago, if you build a sub to accommodate chuds, racists, and transphobes, they will indeed come and you sure as shit aren’t going to change their political beliefs thru abstract economism
There’s no Socialism without the ‘Social context’ of class, as this rancid trash clearly demonstrates
Yeah, you can’t be a “free speech” sub and a Marxist sub. It’s like being a “Marxist newspaper” that hires mostly liberals and chuds. There’s way more chuds on the internet than leftists because there are more of them in society, so when you let them in and let them stay, you just become KIA3.
OP (of reddit) totally isn’t a Fash:
The wokes may have overplayed their hand here…this will inevitably lead to people, especially racifying, explicitly calling outracifying as the responsible party and describing how this has been a problem for them for decades.
Is pretty much “the judeo-bolshewiki world conspiracy overstretched and showed their abhorrent being, the holy anger of the german people will do them away!”. So not much changed in propaganda really. How little resistance those people get is really interesting, as it shows that people are okay with hitting others, as long as they aren’t the ones hit.
Socialists and nazis agree that “the fake news narrative of “white supremacy” is used by the bourgeoisie to divide the working class”.
pretty sure “personal accountability” is explicitly considered a sign of white supremacy, off one of those lists like either the Smithsonian website or the recent equity-math thing in Oregon.
radlib children doesn’t know anything about neoliberal capitalism yet think we should listen to their pretentious lectures.
The left definitely spends a lot time complaining about stemlords
BidOld Neoliberal
Thats cause they hate us cause they ain’t us
socialists and nazis agree
Ah yea it’s nazbol time
Taking a sabbatical from Reddit. It’s just too toxic. Need a better social media platform. One that isn’t just ForwardsFromGrandma for millennials
I heard the CTH subredditors created their own site.
Oh? I might check it out if this site ever bans me.