Gu- and I can’t stress this enough-lag
Gu- and I can’t stress this enough-lag
Everyone of these people needs to be forced to read about the history of their forefathers who similarly threw out intersectionality and how they were all crushed by capital.
These people worry so much about “dividing the working class” and the irony is they already have by not having true solidarity with their bipoc comrades.
Any utilization of bipoc people under these stupidpol types is strategic for their own gain and they will toss them aside and tell them to wait their turn when they get their petty bourgeois privileges back.
The only way to truly overcome oppression is standing together in true alliance bringing the marginalized and under privileged to be on equal footing with white people. Otherwise we’re doing the dividing for capital ourselves so they can conquer us later.
I am beeeeegging these people to read settlers and see where this thinking ends up.
socialists and nazis agree
Ah yea it’s nazbol time
A lot of people working in creative industries in general get exploited like that bc the capitalists take advantage of their passion like “well you should just be happy you’re able to work doing what you love! You gotta pay those dues and work for next to nothing or for exposure for a few years kid!”
Realistic political compass style!
realistic political compass style!!