Fair. I used to tell friends who were really into Sons of Anarchy that it was just a soap opera for dude bros and they got really upset about it.
long lost twins/clones? check
surprise pregnancies? check
“dead” characters returning? check
more like a sparkling space opera am i right
no soap in sonic shower
soap opera where they visit moral dilemma planet, but yeah
Sexual tension with your hot coworkers…in space!
SciFi soap opera with allegorical plots is pretty accurate. The best moments in soaps is when they do weird shit that’s fantasy/sci-fi adjacent from what I’ve heard anyway.
At least before Discovery, every episode was a self-contained story with the occasional two-parter so it doesn’t technically qualify as a soap opera
DS9 introduced longer arcs, but every episode within an arc had A and B plots that got wound up by the end of the episode.
Yeah except when they are at warp speed then it’s a soap opera in sub space