The leader that Ukraine rejected because he was under Moscow’s control? Funny that you don’t mention the constant meddling that Moscow has been doing in Ukrainian politics to bring it under their control. Ukraine elects a leader that wants to align with Europe and not Russia and suddenly Russia engages in a 3 day war to get rid of Zelensky. Funny that.
from how you assign the will of “Ukraine” to the fascist militias that carried out the coup. Not the actual voting population of the country. Those people aren’t “Ukraine”. Because “Ukraine” rejected what Ukraine voted for. FuNnY thAt.
Yeah, Putin’s actions in trying to gain control of Ukraine over the years have been nauseating. Seems like it’s a bit triggering for you though when the people of Ukraine reject Putin’s cronies.
What’s with all the weird pictures in the reply? Are you 10?
Obviously not as they’d be under Putin’s control.
If nearly a decade ago Ukraine were allowed to keep it’s democratically elected government, they would be under Putin’s control?
Why do you feel comfortable jumping in to argue when you don’t seem to know what’s being talked about in the first place?
The leader that Ukraine rejected because he was under Moscow’s control? Funny that you don’t mention the constant meddling that Moscow has been doing in Ukrainian politics to bring it under their control. Ukraine elects a leader that wants to align with Europe and not Russia and suddenly Russia engages in a 3 day war to get rid of Zelensky. Funny that.
Holy shit what a nauseating
Yeah, Putin’s actions in trying to gain control of Ukraine over the years have been nauseating. Seems like it’s a bit triggering for you though when the people of Ukraine reject Putin’s cronies.
What’s with all the weird pictures in the reply? Are you 10?
oh honey you don’t have to pretend to be any dumber
The irony of someone who worships Russia calling someone dumb 😂
Its such a sad tell that you servile losers simply can’t concieve of not “worshipping” something
A countdown timer. That’s cool, I guess?
also yes I am 10/10
If you’re a communist why do you defend Russia?
In what way and to what degree am I defending Russia and against what?
Be specific if you’re going to criticize me so I don’t spend too much time going back and forth cutting through generalities.