Justice Amanda Yip lifted the reporting restrictions on naming the killers of 16-year-old Brianna Ghey. They were identified at Manchester Crown Court as Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe.
The horrific murder shocked the nation. Ghey was stabbed with a hunting knife 28 times in her head, neck, chest and back in broad daylight after being lured to a park in the town of Warrington on Feb. 11, 2023.
Yip handed Ratcliffe and Jenkinson a mandatory life sentence, and ordered them to serve a minimum term of 20 and 22 years, respectively, before they could be eligible for parole. If they had been adults — over the age of 18 — they would have faced much longer minimum terms. They will be transferred to adult prisons when they turn 18. Neither showed no visible reaction on being sentenced.
The thing that hit me with sadness most (aside the horrible murder) is that when you see pictures of Brianna, her eyes are full of life and happiness.
And then you see pictures of these two, devoid of any spark. Dead inside.
Well…those were mugshots taken after their arrests on murder charges… wouldn’t it be even more disturbing if they were smiling and cheerful?
Both apparently showed no sympathy during the trial. Denying they did it and accusing the other.
Thats what conservatism does to people
How…how did you make this about politics… seriously, at 16 kids are not thinking about politics
This is absolutely political and it’s political specifically because of people like these two.
If you look into it, it looks like it was less political and more obsessive.
I disagree, the judge declared the sentence time hinged on the girl being the ringleader of the two and specifically targeting the victim (at least partially) out of transphobia. it was only the cops that said it wasn’t related to transphobia, and frankly the cops in this country have a shite reputation for being transphobic themselves so chances they’d look over that are high.
You know what bullies are right? You do know that most kids don’t have the capacity to label themselves one way or another and that a lot of intolerance is in schools and between kids. Or did you somehow miss all of that when you were in school.
Lol no it’s not. These two where bullies that took it to another level. Kids are intolerant usually at this age. That’s why groups form during highschool.
LMFAO… Typical conservative, when the other side does it is all “see this is what they want” but when it’s their side that does is, which is to say 99% of the time someone does something heinous to another human being, it’s all “why are you making this political?” … I don’t know, because conservatives have been trying to exterminate trans people for decades now?? As if anyone but a conservative would kill someone for being trans. What a joke!
Yes because 16 yo kids are hanging around old racist conservatives…you do know what bullying is right? You do know how intolerant most kids are at that age is as well? You do know we still have a serious problem with bullying in schools still yea? Your bias is showing quite strong.
I must be a very odd conservative for wanting single payer healthcare, ending qualified immunity, paying teachers more, raising minimum wage, wanting ubi and safety nets…but yeah… totally a conservative.
Your attempt to deny exactly what conservatism is and it’s effects on society has resulted in complete and utter failure on your part.
I think they’re probably American, as are all your downvoters
Yep that’s why. Everything becomes political with most people online. People outside of anonymous social media aren’t as insane as the majority of these people online.
It’s absolutely sickening. This comment section is using this poor kids murder as a reinforcement to fit their partisan bias. I’m assuming most of these people are terminally online or are living miserable/empty lives, devoid of love. Now watch, they’ll use their internet points to feel vindicated against me, now that I’m probably an evil conservative boogy man in their eyes.
Seriously! It’s so gross that people would use atrocities committed by intolerant murderers as a call to action against all intolerance and violent rhetoric, in general - especially when there are political parties that benefit significantly from said intolerance and violence.
When bad things happen it’s never worth understanding what caused it to occur or trying to prevent it from happening again! Out of respect for the victims, you should just post your thoughts-and-prayers copypasta on social media and move on with your life
They’re fucking 16 year old kids…the fuck is wrong with you people? No kid got their transphobic rhetoric from old ass conservatives. You know how intolerant most children are? Or have you forgotten that we have still a serious issue with bullying in schools?
You fuckers are delusional.
No, they didn’t get their transphobic rhetoric from “old ass conservatives”, because they aren’t all old. You also don’t have to “hang around old racist conservatives”, as you implied in one of your other replies, because the Internet gives alt-right influencers a platform which even teenagers have access to. Many of those influencers aren’t even in their 40s, Ben Shapiro or Andrew Tate for example, and they are just the tip of the iceberg. Of course the Internet isn’t necessarily the cause for bullying, but there is a big leap from bullying to murdering someone, and being confronted with alt-right propaganda on perhaps a daily basis does change you and your views on certain minorities or communities, especially as a teenager. And I know that for a fact, because I was part of that shithole for some time during my teenage years. Someone who is more susceptible to that rhetoric could very well be pushed over the edge by that. Intolerance isn’t a thing that just comes naturally, it’s driven by the environment you grow up in or that you surround yourself with, be it in the real world or on the Internet. Nazis didn’t naturally think that it would be okay to just kill certain minorities, it was years of propaganda that altered their views to somehow justify that thinking, even from a young age in the Hitlerjugend, and it clearly worked. It’s the same shit all over again, just less organised. Why else do you think they specifically targeted a trans* person? And why else would they be so extreme to even kill her?
It is EXACTLY because of conservatives.
Yes because a murder in the UK has fucking kids listening to American politics. One was a girl and was named the ring leader even. Cause we know how much women love to watch Tate and Shapiro…get your head out of your ass.
deleted by creator
They look a little trans themselves even.
The irony that next to each other, left to right or right to left, looks like before and after transition shots.
I was trying to figure out which one was the victim…
The pretty one.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the girl had been jealous that Brianna was prettier than she was, and the boy had loathingly fancied her.
That was not pleasant to read.
Fuck them
Good to see that they got a life sentence and not the usual “they’re minors so they’ll do some years in a community” bullshit that happens in my country
Minimum of only 20 years though before eligible for parole
They’re minors. In the UK and most of the developed world, you cannot give life without parole to a minor.
Idk I think people who murder a girl in cold blood shouldn’t ever be allowed to participate in society, but that’s just me.
They only get out on parole if the board (or whatever the UK’s equivalent is) believes they have learned a lesson and are safe to reenter society. If not then they stay until the next board meeting. I have a hard time imagining they would get out after 20 years for murder without the board being pretty damn sure they are no longer a danger to society.
As gross and heinous as these crimes are, I will never favor life-without-parole or the death penalty for minors.
if rehabilitation is possible, there is no real benefit to society to just keep folks in prison indefinitely, and in fact refusing to accept change for the better disincentivises folks from doing so
Not all crimes can be rehabilitated. I consider a hate based murder to be one of them.
thats awesome
who are you
I am me
Any evidence to back that up?
And that’s unfortunate. This planet is already too crowded. Why spend resources on scum like this? Lock them away forever.
Worth noting that it costs a lot of state resources to lock them away forever.
And the previous commenter suggested locking them away forever instead of wasting resources on them.
20 years is a looooong time when you’re 16. They’ve lost their entire young adulthood and then some
They will be fine. Terf Island will consider them political prisoners.
They’ll be on licence for the rest of their lives following that though. The minimum term on a life sentence is just the custodial part.
on licence. right, what’s that, then? will they have any other sort of restrictions once they get out at minimum 36?
The 20 years is the minimum time they’ll do in prison.
After the 20 years they’ll be eligible for parole. If, and only if, the board decides that it’s safe for them to be released will they do so.
If they are released they will be in license. This means they are subject to prison recall without trial should they pose any risk to the public. The license may also impose additional restrictions such as regular therapy appointments, restrictions on leaving the country etc. These conditions will be imposed for life. Breaking any of these restrictions would also result in a recall to prison.
If the parole board decides that it’s not safe to release them, then they’ll remain in prison. They may very well remain in prison for their entire life.
heh. TIL. thanks for that!
That’s standard in the UK. Our justice system views rehabilitation as the ultimate goal, not punishment. They will serve this as a minimum, but will likely never see life outside of a cell based on their reaction to being sentenced.
Even after parole, their life will forever be scrutinised by law enforcement and medical examiners to determine their mental state. Anything that doesn’t scream “normal member of society” puts them back in jail.
Yeah I agree with rehabilitation for 99% of crimes and laud the European models as generally better than the American one.
Just so we’re clear, this is the endgame of all of the propaganda against trans people. Many are culpable in this.
Oh most def. The Chris–conservatives will with no regrets murder y’all the moment they can. This was never about sports or bathrooms or dorms. This is about a segment of the population who thinks God wants them to kill the LGBT and said as much in the Bible.
Based on the evidence presented the murderers didn’t have anything against trans people, didn’t misgender her or anything like that. She seems to have been selected simply because she was an easy target due to various mental health issues
Oh yea the boy totally had nothing against trans people
The girl never misgendered her, but the boy called her “it” constantly. Continuing the trend of women being way more accepting of us than men.
this isnt false, but it still feels a bit off to frame the female murderer as being way more accepting of trans folks
From all the articles I’ve read it never felt like she wanted to murder Brianna for being trans. She even had another target in mind that didn’t work out before going after Brianna. Just something to think about, a trans inclusionary sociopathic murderer
besides this just being false, her being considered an easy target is still pretty unambiguously influenced by society’s unfavourable view of trans folks
It’s crazy how people want to believe this statement and will actually willingly believe it and never question it.
I mean, imagine if a couple white kids killed a black kid for fun. Sure they/their community, their cops, their local journalists might all say it wasn’t racist but if you study racism you learn that shit goes deep! You don’t have to look at every isolated case as existing in isolation
They wanted to kill a minority, but they called her the right pronoun.
Surely this cancels it out.
I’m sick and tired of violent extremism and the people profiteering from it being treated as “just another point of view” because that leads to this leads to these crimes being normalized.
It’s hard enough being trans without being actively hunted by psychotic overzealous and cruel people. What can individuals possibly do in the face of such societal cruelty?
Something needs to change.
were intelligent
planned for weeks
stabbed with a knife
I know the sadistic part is about enjoyment (probably the planning process too), but …
Jeez and they were still teenagers.
No matter their age, they deserve lifetime prison. If they are able to murder at that age, they should be prosecuted as adults as well.
I know some people want to pretend jokes are “just jokes”, but this is what one killer said about Brianna:
Also she has a dick lol
Why is that funny? It’s because of comedians like Chapelle that normalize making fun of something like this, when all they’re doing is not confronting why it makes them uncomfortable and punch down on an easy target. The same can be said of comedians making jokes about race, like Larry David and his jokes about Arabs, which can lead to normalizing a lot of the Palestinians are animals type rhetoric and normalize Genocidal policies.
Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe.
How come the media never mentions if they are Christian or not? Why hasn’t the Pope condemned this act in Latin and English?
What does the Pope have to do with the Anglican Church? Also what does it matter if they were religious or not?
What does the Pope have to do with the Anglican Church?
They are all Christians.
Also what does it matter if they were religious or not?
Indeed. Makes you wonder why when there is a Muslim or an refugee or an immigrant murderer I hear so much about it. Media is full of stories today about an arrest of a refugee made in a center.
Ah, is that a common thing in the UK to bring up religion if the perp was Muslim?
The Pope does not represent the Anglican Church. It’d have to be the King of England speaking up.
Go checkout the dailymail and see for yourself.
Isn’t that a righting tabloid trash?
Ah, is that a common thing in the UK
I answered your question. By all measures very popular and thus common.
Not all christians recognize the Pope. It’s like asking why the patriarch of Constantinople or the patriarch of Moscow didn’t comment on the news.
If all did would he have condemned the attacks in Latin and English?
Only 6% of adults are practicing Christians in the UK. It’s statistically unlikely this has anything to do with religion.
TIL that 6% = 0%
Now answer my questions. Why didn’t the Pope condemn the attack in Latin and English?
Why would the pope comment on a murder in England that has no religious motive? Has Justin Welby condemned it? Mirza Masroor Ahmad? Yitzhak Yosef? No, because it’s completely irrelevant. Stop piggybacking on this tragedy with your weird religious agenda.
Right Christianity has nothing whatsoever even the slightest not even a hint to do with this. Nope.
Because if they were Christian. they were probably Anglican.
I see. So if they were Catholic the response from the Pope would NOT be silence? No? Seems like the gotcha doesn’t work.
If they burnt a cross into the person they killed or claimed they were doing it for religious reasons, yeah, the pope does often condemn such acts. But really it’s just another murder.
it for religious reasons,
Yes the venn diagram between skydaddy followers and anti-trans is two circles with no overlap. How silly of me to think that there was any link.
yeah, the pope does often condemn such acts
I know. The Pope never condemns people who carry out what he preaches.
But really it’s just another murder.
Next time a Muslim guy is in the news I can remind you of that.
Oh ok, so you’re just an idiot. Nevermind.
What does that have to do with anything?
it’s satire about how if a muslim or an immigrant commits a crime, everyone expects imams or community leaders of that culture to comment publicly or else consider them in support of the crime
Do you believe that Christianity had nothing to do with this?
Unlikely, but I see your point.
Why is Richard Dawkins silent on this issue?
Because delightfully bigoted grandpa can’t figure out how to tweet since the update.
This is the best summary I could come up with:
Ghey was stabbed with a hunting knife 28 times in her head, neck, chest and back in broad daylight after being lured to a park in the town of Warrington on Feb. 11, 2023.
Yip handed Ratcliffe and Jenkinson a mandatory life sentence, and ordered them to serve a minimum term of 20 and 22 years, respectively, before they could be eligible for parole.
“You both took part in a brutal and planned murder, which was sadistic in nature, and a secondary motivation was hostility to Brianna, because of her transgender identity.”
However, Yip said that after they were found guilty last month, there was a “strong public interest in the full and unrestricted reporting of what is plainly an exceptional case.” Lawyers for the two argued that naming them would have ramifications for their welfare.
“The two appear to have had a deadly influence on each other and turned what may have started out as dark fantasies about murder into a reality,” Crown prosecutor Nicola Wyn Williams said outside the courthouse.
“I have moments where I feel sorry for them because they have also ruined their own lives, but I have to remember that they felt no empathy for Brianna when they left her bleeding to death after their premeditated and vicious attack, which was carried out not because Brianna had done anything wrong, but just because one hated trans people and the other thought it would be fun,” her mother Esther Ghey said in a statement that was read to the court.
The original article contains 703 words, the summary contains 254 words. Saved 64%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!
Is there such a thing as a “heavenly murder”? I thought all murder was bad. Seems odd trying to demonize murder more than it already would be. Like, would it have been better if they were crucified? Yikes.
The lynching of Mussolini was a pretty good murder. Same with the English pedophile prince the IRA murdered as well.
Hmmm. Food for thought.
A bit confused, are you reacting to sadistic? That word doesn’t mean evil, it means enjoying giving pain to others. There are murders that aren’t as sadistic, as they could try to poison someone in sleep etc, giving no pain.
The wording is suggesting they very much enjoyed the process of committing the murder, making it more painful on purpose.
TIL I cannot read properly.
An absolutely horrifying crime, and I’m not trying to make light of an awful tragedy, but some of these names sound like they were randomly generated from a Hollywood database that includes names like Scarlett Johansson, Eddie Redmayne, Daniel Radcliffe, Amanda Seyfried, etc.
That’s because they are English, and have English names. English names are over-represented in Hollywood for obvious reasons
JFC this name list is from a Japanese baseball game (MLBPA baseball / Fighting baseball) from 1994/1995.
FUCK religion
Absolutely. But what does that have to do with this case? Honestly asking, the article didn’t say anything about the motive besides an interest jn violence and serial-killers.
I think a lot of Americans, at least in this thread feel like this would be linked with Christian wackos. In Europe we have Christian wackos but they are not the same as the ones you have and are far fewer. It’s much more likely that people who hate on a minority are under educated and/or poor. It’s also much less of a sides thing, we don’t have the Christian wackos (GOP) vs “the rest”. Most countries have some sort of proportional representation, so there are Christians in all groups, the Christian wackos are more dilute. That’s not to say that they are non existant more that you can’t, for example, guess that these people were religious and probably be right like you might in the US.
Ah thanks, but I’m not from the US (thank god). So this isn’t a fact i just missed in other news, it’s just the usual duality with no grey in between. I really doubt there was any religion or politics in them. Just sadism and hate. And they picked a target that their surroundings hate. That’s what kids do. My 2 euro-cents.
I meant to reply to the person above you actually, sorry.
I dunno if religion is strictly to blame. The assumption is that the source of bigotry towards trans people is religion but that hasn’t jived with my experiences. A lot of it comes more from people framing us as a logistical or social “problem” that is being encouraged rather than " solved" by the current model of care that places it’s focus on the ultimate well-being of the individual. A lot of that is secular in source.
People will find any manner of sources of justification to reinforce their “ick” response. Science (or a limited understanding of surface level science) and “common sense” is often more the rhetoric that gets splashed around and are often the most brazen objectors to my identity. The “you’ll burn in hell” types are actually decently rare by comparison… Generally heartbreaking to hear of don’t get me wrong but only a fraction of the whole problem.