Not really.
Sports is the thing that would be blocked the most, since it’s b&w - either you’re into it, or not at all, and there are great many deal of branches of it.
Yup sports for me is the #1 thing I hide.
Would love to hide sports and Ami news/politics.
The trick is nuance. Being bombarded constantly by meaningless ragebait is not healthy, but it it very important to remain informed.
RDJ_pointing_at_self: What counts as politics is a political question in itself, with a subjective answer melded by the hegemon. Absolutely everything can be connected to politics in some way.
Good point. Many of us didn’t get to choose whether we “are political”
deleted by creator
Hide all memes and shitposts would be way more useful for me, personally.
Have to agree the amount of shitposts and memes on here is staggering.
The first thing I did upon joining the Fediverse was blocking all 196 communities.
And cats. Don’t forget cats.
Aha, looking for a political fighting arent we?/s
I’m just curious how you’d define politics.
Would this filter just remove news/memes about political candidates & elections?
Would this filter remove news/memes about all government officials?
Would this filter remove anything that could considered political, including news about things like climate change? news about worker strikes? news about product boycotts? news about drag show protests? news in general?
Would this filter remove anything that ‘becomes’ political, like Barbie/Oppenheimer, Disney, Rage Against the Machine, Dixie Chicks, Bud Light? Or would it go further and consider all media an expression of a political viewpoint and ban all discussion of entertainment media?
My ideal feature would scan American news for whatever ragebait they’re pushing for the week, and just block that.
This idea does seem more doable
I think filtering out everything that doesn’t make sense outside the USA would be sufficient for me.
And things that don’t make sense inside the USA, like F1 racing and soccer.
I genuinely appreciate how you put scare quotes on “becomes” in “becomes political”, because it’s legitimately baffling how some people think that Rage Against the Machine “wasn’t political” before. Like, they literally donated their profits to the Zapatista Army of National Liberation and interviewed Subcomandante Marcos for one of their video releases! You can hardly get more political!
It’s impossible to filter out politics, because lots of people think everything they disagree with is political. It’s always the fault of the other side.
I’m gay, and people who so much as allude to the fact I exist get accused of “being political”
I always find it’s a certain type of person who complains about too much politics
I hide because i’m not really interested in US politics.
we should implement tags on lemmy, that filter by tags.
i don’t care about us politics and sports. i could create a filter with sports and (us & politics).
same for the nsfl / porn, add those as tags, and you can filter them.
The feature request is in the repo:
thank you
Apps can fill that gap to some degree now, but we need widespread adoption of tagging before it’s very useful for this. I’m not sure lemmy itself will ever support that tbh. Reddit never had it, and there’s a laundry list of issues already on the official tracker.
Maybe everyone that moderates a community that sees this could strongly consider the important tags being implemented at that level, if the C/ contains things that are difficult to filter via blocking.
As an example, there’s no need for a C/ that’s dedicated to knitting to mandate a political of nsfanything tag when that’s not going to be part of the C/ to begin with. Not worth their time. Something a bit more generalized, like a meme C/ would be nice if they added politics tag for posts of that nature, maybe one for sexual (but not porn) subject matter, but wouldn’t need an nsfl because that’s not going to be allowed to begin with.
The app I use most, Connect, has filter function, but it’s only as good as other users make their titles.
There’s no such thing as a perfect filter though. Doesn’t matter how it’s implemented, there’s always gaps.
We should still implement tags anyway but one of the issues is that people just won’t tag their stuff properly. Happens on imgur all the time. Maybe people are lazy about it or maybe they know less people will see their post but it’s frustrating.
I just want to stop hearing about US politics. You guys are so fucking obsessed it’s so annoying.
Oh there’s a post of a puppy falling on it’s back? WELL THAT’S JOE BIBENZ FAULT!!!1!!
Like Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
But did you know that Trump is bad?
Is there an option to filter by keyword? Not on the app I use, but is that a Lemmy/kbin/etc feature that the app just doesn’t implement? I’d love to filter any mention of:
LGBT+ (let’s be honest, 99% of content mentioning it is ragebait/political/controversial in some way)
Gun control
The list goes on. I’d probably end up with like two posts a day on my feed but damn would those posts be peaceful.
Sync for Lemmy has keyword filters, I think. Or at the very least it’s on the roadmap. I haven’t tried them myself yet, only back on Sync for Reddit.
“Hide posts linking to articles” (ie not OC) would be my pref
Having some sort of hashtag system tied to “magazines” would allow for better filtering. The ability to filter out politics, or sports, or celebrities from your feed with one click.
I dont mind reading or learning more about politics, but c/politics is just an leftist circle jerk echocamber. There have been a growing amount of users noticing this as well and eventually someone will make an unbaised community for US politics. C/politics is just a infestation of all the crazies that left r/politics.
I didn’t spend much time there but r/politics always seemed more centrist liberal than leftist to me.
To a Fascist, Liberalism seems like a “left-wing bias”.
Liberalism - believing in equal rights and freedoms for all people, and also free trade, free markets, and low taxes - is a right-wing ideology. Obama is right-wing. Biden is right-wing. And so are Blaire, Macron, and Merkel, before anyone brings up the “AmErIcAn pOlItIcS lEaN rIgHt” bullshit. Figures like Sanders, Corbyn, and Melenchon are center-left at best.
There is no unbiased news, all news is biased by the views of the author, the culture of the news institution and wider society and the dominant ideologies within the society.
Now, I’m not saying this is what you meant, but often I hear people requesting unbiased news when really what they’re asking for is news that reflects their internalized ideological perspective.
It’s also used to suggest that all perspectives have the same inherent value out to suggest that all media must offer the “opposing perspective” alongside the perspective of the authors.
Not all perspectives do have equal value though, nor do they deserve equal coverage. We don’t call out flat earth whack jobs “to get their perspective” every time NASA announces a new orbital satellite launch, because we recognize that their perspective won’t provide anything of value to the discussion.
“unbiased comunity for US politics”
You wish, they always get taken over by bipartsian shills. Wether they know it or not, be it themselves or the actuall political campaigners (undercover of course) be it demos or repubs, the only diference being the insane extremist shit they spew out, but the only common thing is “the other side is always wrong and deserves their rights being violated”.
Reality has a well-known liberal bias