This is not me saying at all that Trump is better than Biden; it’s more of an equalization argument that I truthfully can’t see a fiscal difference.

It’s been well known by people like us that the two bourgeois parties are basically the same, but I never really understood how close they were until the last like, 6 months.

Maybe it’s JUST Biden that’s super similar. But regardless, I just don’t see the difference. He spews nice words about trans rights, workers, all of these good things. But the exact same shit that happened under Trump basically happened under Biden. Funding for genocidal states, proxy war funding, funding police, loss of abortion federal protection, separation of kids and parents at the border, etc.

People keep saying Biden is marginally better, where?

I don’t know. I can’t bring myself to vote for any of these guys this time around.

    1 year ago

    I hope Trump wins if only because I want to see the liberals suffering and seething. It’s hardly adequate karma for the genocide of the Palestinian people but it’ll be something and maybe just maybe to someone somewhere it will send the message that supporting an open genocide even in the genocidal settler west is a bit too far. It also wrenches the system back and forth which is good. Forces all those Europeans who’ve been sobbing about NATO and democracy and liberal values and how evil Putler is to either embrace Trump and look like even worse hypocrites or to distance themselves. It won’t be enough to destroy NATO naturally but any tension that can be added is good. Trump doesn’t wear the mask of respectability Biden does to the world and that’s something too which makes me feel it’s slightly more positive if he’s president in the long game-plan. Liberals won’t be in the streets under 4 more years of Biden, they might be under Trump.

    Of course nothing much will change either way. There is no lesser evil, only funny evil pedophile war criminal and not funny evil pedophile war criminal who is hidden by his staff and who make all the decisions for him and give him a veneer of respectability. If you’re a Marxist you shouldn’t vote for either of them. Vote for a communist on your ballot or do a write-in or don’t vote at all for a presidential candidate. Amazingly you can just go and vote on local and state ballot initiatives while not putting anything down on the presidential race.

      1 year ago

      to either embrace Trump and look like even worse hypocrites or to distance themselves

      Or they could do what they did the last time trump was in office - pretend to distance themselves, while running backroom deals and agreements, further colonising Europe to US capital

        1 year ago

        Well that was happening anyways. The Ukraine situation has assured Europe’s hollowing out and subjugation to the US and they did that all to themselves willingly in the open while proclaiming loudly it had to be done for democracy and liberalism and all that. I frankly don’t see that trend reversing no matter who is president, just that they might have to seem estranged for a while it might encourage a few more politicians on the edges to grow a stronger backbone as Hungry has demonstrated.