I head up a small community for fans of a niche indie brand. The founder is doing an event in Japan with an exclusive item for people who attend! I was so excited and was looking into booking a plane ticket to go!
However… turns out that Japan has a law that absolutely forbids stimulant medication in the country. And, no, I don’t really want to upend my regimen of 8 years and risk going on a new medication for the trip.
I’m really shattered, as I wanted to attend this cool event and meet up with other enthusiasts. It really hurts to be barred from an opportunity like this.
I hate ADHD. I really do.
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Link to those studies?
Edit: me being autistic make everything I say useless? Really?
I really admire your ability to mental gymnastics. No matter what anybody says, you always find a way to tell them their opinion doesn’t matter. Must be nice to be so secure in your own superiority that nothing can convince you otherwise.
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If you want to convince people it’s up to you to bring the evidence. I’m not doing your work for you.
Besides, there have been studies shoing that autistics among themselves don’t have the same communication breakdown as they do when interacting with neurotypicals. So if Japan was truly an autistic culture it should be easier for autistic people, but it’s not.
Besides, I’m very curious to see how you are going to apply diagnostic criteria for a neurodivergence to a culture. Like, how do you even begin? Is the culture averse to bright lights? Loud sounds? Does the culture go into hyperfocus moments? Does it suffer from PDA?
The only way you could do this is if you were to take stereotypes about how autistic people behave and try to somehow match them to cultural traits.
Yeah this dude probably has been in the parts of the internet where that language is typical and now thinks their usage of the word applies.
Which explains why they just deflect when asked for literally any source for what they’re saying.
Can you read ? I said I don’t want to convince people. I know when I can have an conversation, and when it’s not gonna be possible. So far every answers but one proved me right in that regard.
You’re missing the entire point that their culture is autistic, not the people. And then you’re trying to lend exclusively humans traits to a culture, in bad faith or stupidity, your choice.
I’m done here, this isn’t gonna lead anywhere and I already wasted way too much time on people that would rather be right or offended, than trying to talk and understand the actual point of view conveyed.
Have fun thinking you won, or that I’m a bigot, your pick, just remember I couldn’t care less.
Yeah, you very clearly think you’re the most right in every interaction. You’re being downvoted because people think you’re not only wrong, but hateful and shitty about it at the same time.
Rather than address the fact that you MIGHT not be the ultimate paragon of authority on every topic you grace with your presence, you’re choosing to disengage completely.
You don’t care about wining so hard that you’re taking your ball and going home because people disagreed with you. All you care about is discussion, and that’s why you’re completely unwilling to hear any points other than your own.
Is calling an entire culture autustic NOT ascribing exclusively human traits to a culture? Did I miss the part in geography where entire countries can be diagnosed with HUMAN MEDICAL CONDITIONS? Rules for thee, none for me!
In your case it’s both.
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All I’ve done is call your ass out.
Have fun running away from every thread that threatens your fragile worldviews.
Nah doing the same thing would be claiming that France’s culture is afflicted with narcissistic personality disorder.
French culture is entirely based on an unreasonably high sense of it’s own importance. It needs and seeks too much attention and wants other cultures to admire them. Cultures with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the cultures of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, their culture is not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.
You’re French, right?
You both are sad to see. I’ll legit stop answering because of how damaging it is to see that.
No it actually doesn’t.
Please provide some form of authoritative or even scholarly source for who the “they” it’s that called it that.
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Is this a new Philo account? lol
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Philo was/is a user here on lemmy that argues in bad faith in a similar (although a little more cogently) way.
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