Taking the picture as they’re about to slam into the rear end of the vehicle in front of them.
With brakes on, this close, and this weather, on an on-ramp, they are probs going 20 mph tops. Probably a lot lower since the cars in the other side appear to be at a standstill. Hence the picture being relatively crisp and clear.
I come from a land of ice and snow. This is routine for a backup.
Homer Simpson: Don’t mind if I do!
Homer and Bart gulping sounds
The cake is a lie.
I always thought it was weird how they put up these giant flashing distractions to tell you not to be distracted.
You would probably drive more carefully with cake, than “the weather is bad”, anyway. So probably a better way to advise. Cake and half full fish tanks, because you’re too lazy to empty them the whole way…
Reluctantly crouched at the starting line Engines pumping and thumping in time The green light flashes, the flags go up Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup…
They deftly maneuver and muscle for rank,
Fuel burning fast on an empty tank
Reckless and wild, they pour through the turns
Their prowess is potent and secretly stern
Fast sugar, often contains fruit, doesn’t weight much. A good suggestion for surviving a cold journey
This is a good advice. I remember once i was transporting a cake for my sisters wedding. Jesus fucking crist how careful was I while driving.
Good advice
It took me a second to get because I’m slow but this is clever af
Cupcakes work too and you can fit a few in the glove box.
bin/cake bake model car
Am I doing this right?