Heard My Chemical Romance was created after witnessing 9/11, so I looked up the band’s political beliefs and came across this thread about Frank Iero
he’s literally so confusing. remember a few years ago when he had a ‘don’t tread on me flag’ on his basement wall? he also was totally voting for bernie sanders. … when blm movement got its biggest attention in 2020 he published some shitty depoliticizing note. its one of the worst notes i’ve read back then
He’s definitely not a right winger. Maybe moderate leftist. Not everyone needs to fit into a neat little box.
He is an “Italian American” style leftist from NJ. Definitely socially progressive and left of center on social issues, but still sees value in some traditions. It makes sense if you know anyone from New Jersey
I hate liberals I hate liberals I hate liberals I hate liberals I hate liberals
I wanted to award you for this comment but I had no coins lol.
Ok, wow, you just checks notes won the internet for today!! Take my updoot and leave anon!!
Yes, I support the largest most evil murderous genocidal regime that exists, and yes, I’m a leftist. We exist.
I wish I could upvote you twice!
Anything left of literal Nazis is a win today.
In an alternative timeline the Weimar Republic was a two-party system and liberals in 1945 are patting themselves on the back because they went door to door campaigning for 99% Hitler of the Lesser Fascist Party who killed only 5.94 million Jewish people at the end of his chancellery (harm reduction)
Faith in humanity equals restored
There’s no way you can be a communist and love America. If you do, you either don’t understand communism or you don’t understand America.
I’m actually convinced that the smarter patsocs believe this, and they’re lying to the rubes to recruit reactionaries to the cause.
They mean “leftist” in the American understanding of leftism as synonymous with liberalism and anything left of AOC existing in the unthinkable fringe void. Joe Biden is a moderate leftist to like 50% of Americans and a radical leftist to another 35%.
You can tell who’s dumb as shit based on their alt history fan fiction of “socialist” America.
Jeff Foxworthy voice: If it involves a “socialist” US flag where the 13 colonial stripes are present but the stars are replaced with a hammer and sickle - you might be a dumbass
Liberals when they meet Hitler: “He’s definatly a leftist.”
And conservatives when they meet Hitler: “He’s definitely a socialist”
Hmmm, you may be onto something here
no steppy flag
You know which animal is immune to rattlesnake venom and eats them for lunch?
I cant find the trans opossum eating a rattlesnake with the caption “I’ll thread wherever i please”, but if I could, I would post it here
Found it
Ah shit the American flag has been coopted by conservatives that really sucks
Is it really that hard for people to say “the dude’s politics are incoherent, contradictory, and clearly not thought out”? Not every variant from boilerplate politics is a sign of nuanced ideology, sometimes it’s just a mess.
I would only “believe in my country” if it was communist.
look just enjoy the music and don’t worry about the band member’s politics. or don’t! i don’t care, just don’t try and rationalize it like this
It’s a jersey thing. Ayyyeeee
most americans do not have a coherent politics because we are, as a people, very ignorant
I have a recurring mental anguish between wanting to branch out and think for myself and seeing the product of people who aren’t tempered by theory. You can’t fight well without pressure testing/sparring. If you don’t read Marx you’re going to have a don’t tread on me flag and say it’s chill.
I see the same talking points on r/liberalgunowners
Some white guy will post shit like “GUYS! We NEED to take back our flag! We can’t let the right wing co opt it!”
And some black guy will reply with “No. I don’t think I’ll do that. I don’t like what it represents and I don’t like the people who are obsessed with it”
And the white guy will respond with “I understand where you’re coming from. You’re valid. I’m a leftist and I’m not a big fan of America either. The police and white supremacists proudly wave the flag while oppressing your people. But you have to understand that we’re in this together, and it’s OUR flag. We can’t let them have it”
It’s the funniest shit ever. It’s incredible how there’s a small minority of liberal gun owners in the US, and they’re 98% as big of domesticated losers as conservative gun owners.
The one good thing the germans did was sack rome.
Maybe I’d be willing to let appropriating the no steppy flag if it means meeting people where they’re at and then eventually discarding it when the euphemism is not needed, but do they not realize that the USSR was Russia rebuilt from the ground up? Even if I waved a magic wand and the US became leagues more redeemable, that’s just what needs to be done.
“Not everyone has to fit into a neat little box”
My homie in christ, the box fits itself around YOU. The box of ideology.