Queer people are getting their rights violated and removed in real time, and now we have ppl from all across the political spectrum arguing over a flag I have never seen before.
At this point, I’m convinced that the flag is an intentional psyop designed to sow division in the community over colours on a rectangle to distract from actual issues.
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Idk, I appreciate the progress pride flag because it explicitly includes trans, intersex and poc. There’s a decent number of people who would consider themselves part of “the community” and use the standard rainbow flag, who don’t consider any identities past LGB. Its nice to be able to signal to people that you are genuinely a safe person/group/whatever who cares about the whole community and their struggles.
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I’m leaving this comment up because I think it’s fine to point out that the rainbow stands for anyone. But I’m also leaving this reply here to let you know that you need to disengage with this thread. Insisting that a pride flag is racist is not exactly creating a welcoming environment here or being nice to people who feel included with specific flags which highlight their identity.
Thanks for keeping beehaw a safe and friendly place <3
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when you call them racist and imply they’re segregationist for having their preference, yes, that is not allowed. that’s needlessly aggressive and needlessly sectarian—and speaking personally, “having a preference for more stripes on a flag that represent marginalized communities is racist and like segregation” is just such an overstatement of the point (that i otherwise agree with, for the record—i am not a fan of the progress flag) being made that it verges into being unserious.
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i don’t think “adding race-specific stripes to a pride flag” is a bad thing, is “treating people differently based on skin tone” except in the most cringeworthy, pedantic, I See No Color way possible, or is “racist”—and i think that if you believe these things you probably will not be allowed to partake in discussions like this on our instance after today
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I feel more includet in the Progress Flag than the standard Rainbow. That’s just me, but why should that be less valid?
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That’s just wrong. The Rainbow Flag represents LGBT Pride and does not include BIPOC.
I don’t know why you don’t like the progress flag, but it’s not racist and it’s not transphobic and it’s not segregating. It highlights the diversity of human rights movements and points out that all human rights movements have the same goal and should work together.
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There is no racism against whites, idiot. You aren’t being denied jobs, getting houses, being shot by the police for no reason, or being harassed on the streets openly because you’re white.
Stop bitching around and deal with the fact that you’re not a king/queen/monarch anymore you absolute moron.
Sorry for the tone, but this shit pisses me off.
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So this whole discourse is why I don’t like adding to the rainbow flag for specific groups. Once you add a distinction to represent a specific group, every group then wants to be included, creating a giant mess. It’s the classic “a camel is a horse designed by a committee” problem.
I understand that every non-cishet group faces their own unique challenges, discrimination, abuse, and hatred, but the whole point of the rainbow flag is to show that we are all united together.
As a trans person who’s been harassed and excluded at an LGBT event, I don’t feel represented by a rainbow at all anymore. Go do your thing LGB, since I’m not welcome I’m doing mine. If you show me that I’m allowed to be part of you (by putting my thing back into yours) I’m coming back.
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I… What?
State flags are anti-US because the American flag is already all inclusive.
I think a more direct comparison would be flying the US flag with a state flag covering half of it.
Personal identity flags are perfectly fine, alongside the rainbow pride flag or just on their own. Just don’t cover over the “everyone” flag with specific identities. That’s like the opposite of the flag’s meaning.
The union jack shows a prime example of the opposite
You mean the flag that excludes 1/4 of the membership of the union? Combining specific symbols to try and make groups feel included only ever ends up making another group feel excluded. No one is arguing against symbols for trans people, or intersex, or POC people, just that the standard Rainbow flag was intended to represent them all.
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Remember when they kept adding stars to the USA’s national flag every time a new state joined the union?
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The original 13-star flag supposedly represented everyone too. It seems pretty hypocritical to say that government flags can be modified to add representation but queer flags shouldn’t.
And no star represents any specific state either. All are uniform and identical to ensure that none carry anymore weight than the others, and the layout of the stars completely changes everytime new ones get added.
The original 13-star flag supposedly represented everyone too. It seems pretty hypocritical to say that government flags should be modified to add representation but queer flags shouldn’t.
Country flags are anti-humanity because the UN flag is already all inclusive…
(actually, that one might be true, with all the warmongering populist nationalisms and whatnot)
this is “all lives matter” all over again. I don’t mind a flag that recognizes trans and POC folks, who out of the LGBTQ community are discriminated against the most.
You’re the reason we need this flag.
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A new one I’ve seen (not the one in the article) was basically just every pride flag stitched together. I thought it looked ugly as hell and that the regular rainbow one already includes everyone; that’s why it’s a rainbow.
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