Autistic cat lady-in-training.
Felt the same about Ms Marvel, you’d think it was some crime against humanity. There were a couple cheesy moments (and I love cheese) for sure but I enjoyed it.
I didn’t read the GOT books. That said, I enjoyed the show through to the last episode and wouldn’t have thought twice about any of it if the fans weren’t so angry. Idk why but I just don’t have the ability to be critical of (or follow very well) story or writing, or anything really. Maybe I’m just too good at suspending disbelief?
I did a show at the local theatre when I was 17. First time doing theatre. I had been homeschooled and sheltered my whole life for religious reasons.
Since then I’ve deconstructed my faith, learned I’m trans, have had sex without getting married gasp, tried drugs, came up with my own values and beliefs, all the usual stuff, and it can all be traced back to that small impulsive choice to do something that intimidated me and try theatre.
I mean, I’m sure I would’ve got out eventually but I’m happy things happened the way they did.
I don’t fly on planes because the automatic voice system on the cockpit says “retard”
Man I love GIMP, it holds such a special place in my heart since I discovered it as a kid in the late aughts. There was this podcast Meet the GIMP I loved and watched on my iPod. All these years and many seizures later and I still remember the host and his voice… Rolf Steinhort I think.
It would be neat if you could “subscribe” to a post to get notified of any activity.
You have such good responses ☺️
Mustard. Ketchup. Relish optional. Perfection!
I feel so lucky my parents went with Michigan instead of Tennessee (family in both)… It has been pretty much painless to get on HRT, change all my names, change my gender marker even on my birth certificate, etc. All as an adult though. So far I’ve never had issues in the bathrooms, though I’m almost never in rural areas, that could be a very different story.
I highly recommend finding a therapist in the normal manner and then confirming that they offer telehealth (I suspect most do), as opposed to BetterHelp and all those types of services. I have a great local therapist but if I’m ever not up to or can’t come in, we just hop on a video call. It’s good to have the option of going in person, even if you don’t think you’re there yet.
I repeat “I hate [company] and this is a shit ad” whenever I start hearing the same ad more than twice.
State flags are anti-US because the American flag is already all inclusive.
I have a migraine 😞 cut down from 3-5 cokes every day to 1. I just had today’s one to hopefully that helps the migraine.
Sammeee except data analyst (by title, I guess) working in local healthcare. I’m under the impression I could make bank by selling out but I’m quite happy with 70k, a pension, and my dignity.
It’s just as silly as using darn or frick, except they have none of the punch which is the purpose of swear words, ya know?
Local 👏 non 👏 profits (or govt)
I feel like those options are always immediately written off. It is possible to find good to great opportunities. Plenty of shit ones too of course but it’s worth a look.
It feels good to work somewhere whose purpose is to support the community I live in.
Good. I hate the double swipe down to adjust brightness.