It’s funny but Apple products generally have a much longer lifespan than other stuff on the market. My iPhone 6 still works, and I have macs spanning 3 decades that all still work. I sold my PowermacG5 after using it for 7 years for over $1000. Try any of that with random android phone brand or some old dell.
As a very longtime Apple/Mac user, that is sadly no longer the case. With nothing user upgradeable anymore, I’ve noticed Apple products are no longer holding the same value as they used to.
I have the luxury of being able to upgrade my iPhone and MacBook every couple years as I write them off as a business expense. I made sure to take care of them so they are in perfect condition for resale when it was time for the new one. Where they used to resell at roughly 80%, that’s now down to 60-70%.
Resale value has nothing to do with usable lifespan.
Not true at all. Just sold an old iMac of mine for exactly 80% of what I paid for it.
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What are you talking about? Other stuff still works too, they just don’t get official updates. If the phones can be flashed with a new ROM, there’s a good chance they still get community updates years later.
That won’t matter though, since the EU is going to force 5 years of support.
Other stuff still works too, they just don’t get official updates
Still works, but is no longer secure and might not run your apps anymore.
If the phones can be flashed with a new ROM
Most can’t because the bootloader is locked. If they can, then you are relying on the community, and then it might not be secure. You are again relying on the communities to vet the software.
Then there is grandma, shes gonna have to know how to unlock the bootloader, vet and flash ROMs
Happy to hear the EU will be forcing 5 years of support. Im interested to see how that works out.
the EU is going to force 5 years of support.
Apple products get this reputation because when support officially drops, it drops hard. Like, you can’t even use it the same way you did when you bought it, because the services that it needs no longer support the last software that runs. Other platforms that lose support fail more gradually. A lot of this is due to support costs and Apple’s retail presence. If an app stops working on a Samsung phone that’s EOL, the best you can do is go to their forums and complain. With an iPhone, you can go to an Apple store and talk to someone directly. Much better for the business to just have a hard cut-off for when something is EOL.
I have a 7 year old iPhone SE and an 8 year old iPad Pro that still get updates and don’t have missing functionality as far as I’m aware.
Except Apple has already been found guilty of throttling old devices to try to force users to upgrade. They’ve been doing this for a long time, but they’ve only been ordered to pay a settlement in recent years for doing it with their iPhones.
But honestly the older Macbook Airs don’t need to be throttled, they just need the old universal dongles to crap out, IIRC those things were useless without the dongle to connect all your peripherals .
I really didn’t wanna have a pissing contest but battery throttling was introduced to stop sudden turnoffs on old batteries which people also bitched at Apple about. Putting a new battery in makes things run like new- I did that and my 6yo iPhone and it’s tip top. I use it for drone flights.
Dongles are also not an Apple specific thing, my shit fell from work has this massive fucking dock to turn the power adaptor from dell to usb c and provide Ethernet and old usb ports. If you just use all usb c stuff, dongles aren’t needed right?
You’re just baiting and I’m done talking about it, it’s boring.
Gotta give credit where it’s due. Apple the engineering company has really proven themselves, especially these last few years with the M1 and M2 chips. However Apple the brand name company sucks with dumbed down everything, greedy practices, anti-consumer tactics, and a closed economy.
It’s cute that you think Samsung doesn’t also do this.
I’d say any product, including Android and Apple, are good if not for planned obsolescence. We’ve seen it before many times: manufacturer makes a product that lasts for decades, loses money because they can’t sell anymore.
I had my android phone for 9 years previously and my current one is going great. The only reason why I upgraded was because I wanted a better GPS signal while travelling. I also have vintage radios from 1930s and they work well after replacing the parts.
My OnePlus 3T from 2016 still works perfectly fine, I’d say a normal 3 also would. That’s a more than 7 years old phone. Good Android phones don’t randomly stop working, except the cheap ones that are already underpowered at launch.
Oh I didn’t realize Google was still letting you update those! I heard all those stories of being locked into ancient android versions.
Oh I didn’t realize Google was still letting you update those! I heard all those stories of being locked into ancient android versions.
Well OnePlus doesn’t, it’s running Android 9 while Android 14 releases in a week or two from now.
(The OEM makes the update for their device, not Google.)
However, unlike Apple, you can still use “ancient” (perfectly usable) versions of Android for many, many years if you accept the security risks. Apple just makes the device useless because apps on the App Store require a newer iOS version, while Android apps usually target something from 2015 (Android 5+) or 2017 (Android 7+) as their minimum suppoeted version.
The big question is if you should use the device. Theoretically it’s unsafe, in practice the vulnerabilities aren’t exploited in the wild if you don’t go looking for them.
I use a Pixel 7 as my main device and I can tell you, functionally not much has changed since Android 9. The OP3(T) from 2016 would be fine for most people for at least another 2-3 years.
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Everything from three decades ago still works. That was before corpos got modern efficiency down. Apple was over priced crap then, it is over priced crap now, only it lasts only two years before the glued in garbage starts to melt over the next two.
“glued garbage” evokes really outdated criticisms (that were valid). The designs are updated and do not run hot. They are still anti-consumer and not upgradeable which is shitty, but the glue thing is not a valid contemporary criticism
Ok guy
My iPhone 7 is 5 years old and still working.
I guess it wasn’t burning twice as bright.
But how is the battery life? And can you get updates or download new software from the App Store?
Battery is okay. Not good any more, but still okay. But a battery replacement isn’t expensive. I’m stuck on iOS 15 but still get security updates. I haven’t encountered any app that wouldn’t download. Though I don’t download much anymore. But all the apps that I use still get updated.
I don’t use my phone very intensively besides for the browsing and calling. I work from home so I mostly do my digital stuff on the computer. That’s probably why I never had the need to replace it
Why did we copy the dystopian scifis?
We can’t be Star Trek? Fuck I’d take being Pluto Nash over this
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Red Dwarf wasn’t even this bad!
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My iPhone 5 still works. Just saying.
iPhones and iPads are leading in Security-Update-Duration
Macbooks on the other hand…
Posting this from a 2010 MacBook given a second chance at life with an SSD, 8GB of RAM, and Linux. Spent $70 bucks on the upgrades.
Original battery still gets 4 hours of battery life, too.
The new ones get bricked when the SSD fails
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Do remind me how many of those upgrades are possible on the new ones?
I want more life! Fucker/Father!!!
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It’s time to die.