We’re past aaking whether Italy is ok bc we’ve accepted it’s not 😔
Yeah…when you have the Vatican lodged inside you like a tumor for that long you’re probably gonna develop some issues.
Serious answer, no. And the exorcist number is just a tip on the iceberg. Hell they all are just dong this to grift money from gullible people and bootlicker local administrations but the total number of losses done by them are tiny and minuscule part of general church grift.
There was a case where one exorcismed the demons of veganism with headcheese (and then got massive donation for a help center and embezzeld it).
That’s just…sad.
Holy shit
Considering most of the stuff their government says I wouldn’t be surprised if almost everyone is possessed there.
Jokes aside, if I remember correctly, Germany is even more insane with this considering that there was a case where they literally killed a woman in some way and said that she was possessed. It lasted for months apparently and priest had permission.
Forget about Poland, what’s up with Italy? They twice as many genocidal angels
The Catholic Church is the only organization that can offer “actual” Christian exorcism, so all those exorcists are just random “exorcist-trained” priests living in the Vatican.
In my head canon there’s kind of a “flag of convenience” thing going on there. You know how a lot of countries register their ships in Panama or Liberia despite the ships and the companies having nothing to do with those countries? I like to imagine it’s the same with exorcists and that a lot of them are just registered in Italy (because Pope and Catholic church HQ and all that) but actually live and “work” in entirely different countries.
Although the idea that Italy just has a couple hundred exorcists running around shouting “La potenza di Cristo ti costringe!” at random people on the street is also somewhat amusing to me…
Am I on la coca or is this actually real?
It’s understated, in 2018 there was already over 150 exorcists in Poland and the number grows.
I don’t know why I assumed this would be dwindling in the current Polish climate.
Priests are the magicians of christofascism, and exorcists are the magicians for the christofascists who are most superstitious (and rich at the same time).
I have no idea. I just found this while browsing randomly.
Uh, no and it seems weird anyone would assume it was
Cows are haunted.
They’ve got some demons.