To be clear, Western liberals asking their governments to blockade or outright militarily intervene against Israel are very naive (even if their hearts are in the right place), but the Zionist posts I’ve seen in response to that trend are something else entirely. I don’t think even South Africa and its supporters pre-Cuito Cuanavale were self-deluded enough to think they could survive being blockaded (much less hit by NATO strikes a la Yugoslavia).

I guess we’re going to be seeing a lot more Endsieg posting as Israel pushes the envelope further.

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    10 months ago

    It really is amazing to see them just lash out in blind, bloodthirsty rage at anyone and anything. Threatening UN judges, bombing UN facilities, personnel, and troops, targeting other nations diplomatically… They really are acting like a child with no consideration of the future. As gross as their behavior is, and as horrible as their actions are, it is heartening that they seem to have no plan for more than the next few weeks into the future. The curse of the eighth decade is real.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      10 months ago

      For real. Even the most tepid criticism is met with howling rage and accusations. If their leadership was committed to saving anything but Bibi’s ass they might try to rein it in but nope. Full throttle. Hell, their rage is so frothing they are actually undermining their whole antizionism = antisemitism shit because they can’t stop themselves from yelling at Jews who are calling out their bullshit both in and outside Israel.